for my two, I used toys and crafts from the dollar store. I wrapped them up, and then told them that they would get a gift every time they pooped in the potty. This worked EXREMELY quickly - a max of 5 days for each.
My 3 year old has been peeing in the potty perfectly for a few months now, but still does not poop in it. she either poops in her pull up during nap, or in her underpants. she isnt bothered at all by the pooping in her underwear and doesnt even tell me she did it. She has pooped on the potty maybe 3 times just by chance but i have no idea how to get it to click for her all the time. I am sooo tired of poopy underpants!!
for my two, I used toys and crafts from the dollar store. I wrapped them up, and then told them that they would get a gift every time they pooped in the potty. This worked EXREMELY quickly - a max of 5 days for each.
Have you asked her why she doesn't like to poop in the potty? Does she strain at all to poop? It turned out that my daughter had physical issues that made it so when she sat with her behind unsupported and attempted to poop it hurt. At 3 it was hard to tell what she was trying to say, but just asking her about it got the ball rolling. It took medical care for us but might be something more simple for you. (Some kids think their insides will fall out.) Good Luck! This too shall pass....
I JUST went through this with my 3 yr old (she just turned 3 in March). She was peeing fine, but pooping in her panties all the time! 1-2 dirty panties would get sent home from daycare, daily! If she pooped in her panties, I would ask her if she pooped and she would deny it! I tell her I can smell and SEE she pooped, she just didn't care! I offered her gum (and she did get gum for the few times she pooped), and I would encourage her by asking "what do you get if you go poopy on the potty" and she would say "gum!", still didn't work. I even made her clean her panties in the toilet once, that didn't bother her! Nothing worked! Honestly, like about this past week, she is now pooping on the potty like all the time!! The first time she really went, I was like a crazy woman, dancing and singing that she pooped on the potty, she thought I was nuts!! :-) She did have an accident yesterday morning, but then took a big ole dump in the afternoon, ;-). She even went poopy on the potty, by herself, at a picnic on Sunday, I was so excited!! Side note... she came outside with her panties around her knees (she had a dress on) to announce she went poopy on the potty, quite a site for the party goers, but I was so proud of her and made a big deal!! Your daughter will come around I PROMISE!! I was scared that it would take forever for her to get it, I certainly didn't want to clean poopy panties for another year. Just hang in there, encourage her, offer her something she would really like, make her clean her panties as well, and she will eventually get it! GL
P.S. I still put pullups on her sometimes at nap and especially at night time, as she hasn't been dry through the night and she's had some accidents during nap. I don't think going between pullups and panties will confuse her, 3 yr olds are smart, they know what they are doing! ;-)
She'll do it when she's ready. If you've made sure that physically nothing is wrong, you just have to wait for her brain to catch up. Poop is harder for a lot of kids than pee. If you don't want to have to wash out dirty underwear (and that gets old fast!) put her back in diapers or pull ups until she's ready to do it herself. They just get it one day.
First of all, get rid of the pull ups.The pull ups are like diapers that you can pull up and down. my son peed in the potty for two weeks and it took me two days to get him to poop in the potty. I had him run around with out any underware on when we were at home. when he had to poop, i told him go in the potty. when he said he wanted to go in a diaper,i told him no go on the potty. the first day he missed and it went on the rug. we were using a training potty. the next day the same thing. I told him if he pooped on the potty I would buy him a pillow pet. he went,was so excited. we got dressed,took him to the mall and he got a pillow pet. ever since that day,he only pooped in the potty and now he has been trained for over a year. Is there something she really wants? If so,tell her she will get it if she poops on the potty. when you are at home make her run around without underware so she can not poop in the underware. when she has to go,tell her to go on the potty. do not give in. If needed walk away and ignore her. tell her she needs to poop on the potty. she will go but you can not give in. remember,get rid of the pull ups and stick to your guns.
My friend's 3yo daughter did the same thing. Her sister (the daughter's aunt) was babysitting and the daughter pooped in her pants. The aunt made her clean it up, saying things like "if you poop in the potty, you don't have to worry about this". The next day, the daughter was pooping in the potty. Maybe something to try???? Good luck!
does she poop about the same time every day? my dd did, about 6:30ish so we started just sitting her on the potty every night after dinner, and she got an m&m (her fav candy) when she pooped in the potty. It took a couple of weeks, but then she started going on her own.
Sometimes....(tmi) they think it's "part" of themselves. Explain that poop is waste & that's why it comes out. Once Upon A Potty explains this very well...where it comes from. There are boy and girl versions of the book.