Please take your child to the doctor. You need to have this checked out.
Hi, my 16 months daughter just started daycare a week ago and I think she might have got pink eye or an eye infection from one of the other children. She has this green looking mucus stuff in her eyes and there getting a little puffy, could this be pink eye or some other kind of eye infection? Also, should I keep her away from other babies until I know for sure what it is?
Please take your child to the doctor. You need to have this checked out.
Hi S.,
My 2 1/2 year old daughter just had the same thing and we went to the doctor and she told us she had pink eye (conjunctivitis). The symptoms are pink/red eyes, yellow/green discharge, itchy and swollen eyes.
Yes, you should keep her away from other people until she has had 24 hours of the antibiotic eye drops. My daughter actually rubbed her other eye, so both eyes had it. So, be careful and make sure she's not touching one eye to the next. You should definitely call the doctor and get her seen asap. It is very contagious.
I hope this helps.
I would check with her doctor to make sure she has pink eye. And if she does, keep her away from others and make sure you wash your hands well b/c you can get it. My husband caught it from my daughter and she got it at school. So be very careful. Make sure everything is washed well. Some say to use chamomile tea bags to soothe the eye. You soak it in hot water, then squeeze out as much water out of it, then place it on top of the eye. Of course get the prescription drops as well. Good luck and take care!
An "eye infection" IS pink eye - called conjunctivitis. Take her to the ped ASAP as it is horribly, terribly, HIGHLY contagious. Very common, easily treated and cured with drops or ointment the pediatrician will give you.
Take her to the doctor, infections spread fast and eye infections are painful~!
Hi S.,
It sounds like she should see her doctor as soon as you can get her in. Pink Eye is very contagious, so be careful to wash your hands, her hands, don't share towels and defintely keep her out of school.
Hi S.,
Like other responders, I agree you should take your daughter to the doc. just in case, but you don't mention that her eye is pink. My daughter (same age as yours :) had similar symptoms at the beginning of a nasty cold earlier this year. Their sinuses are so small that mucous backs up into their tear ducts. I saw the mucous around her eyes before she was very congested in her nose. If it's a virus, you'll want to keep your daughter home to rest anyway.
Good luck. It's hard when they start daycare.
sounds close to pink eye. If you still have breast milk that will get rid of it, you can squirt it in her eye. I've been rid of pink eye twice without antibiotics.
Yes. it is infectious and you should keep you child at home while treating with antibiotic ointment. The day care people should be notified that your child as well as the other child may have exposed other kids to it. It is not a big deal and easily treatable, but very contagious.