My son had a flat head from the get go - the back of his head. My pediatrician wasn't against the doc band, but really never suggested it either. It was a PT who first mentioned it to me. I then researched it. I even took him to a specialist at Children's Memorial. This man dismissed me and said, "Oh, he's a boy, it won't really be noticeable. And it will round out." This was at 6 months. I waited longer and it did nothing. I then went for a consultation in Glenview with doc band. They were wonderful and showed me all the different aspects of his head/face and how they out of proportion due those the flatness in the back. From 9-12 months he wore the doc band. He could have cared less about it. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. There was only so much they could do since his head had already grown so much. It is MUCH better than it was, but I regret listening to that doctor and not going with my intuition. Good luck.