Many women have the experience of some irregular periods when they first start their cycles after a pregnancy and birth. What I understand from your post is that you have had irregular periods for a long time.
You have a couple choices. One: go back on BC for regulation. The other, if you and hubby are ready to try to conceive-- is to try natural family planning methods. Dr Toni Weschler's "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" is probably one of the most thorough books out there which would help you learn and understand your signs of fertility. It even includes charts you can copy for charting your signs. It is a discipline, mind you, but a useful one. If you are okay with having some irregular periods, and using condoms for birth control during your fertile times (or just abstaining), this might work well for you until you decide you are done having children.
For what it's worth, I was irregular before and after. I went on BC because it was medically necessary for me to get those hormones. But I do understand the 'crazy' part, too. (For me, it's either that or live with near-chronic bad pain 50% of the time. I can deal with a week of feeling bonkers better than the pain.) Good luck!