Pediatrician Recommendations for North OKC

Updated on May 27, 2008
T.O. asks from Oklahoma City, OK
9 answers

Hi, I am looking for a pediatrician. I am leaning towards a woman because I feel my current pediatrician (who is a man) lacks some sensitivity. I have voiced concerns I have about one of my daughters and he seems to minimize the situation. I have also approached him about an alternative vaccination schedule and he is not keen on that either. Help! I need a new pediatrician who will listen and take my concerns seriously and also be open to my suggestions for the care of my children. Thanks for any recommendations!

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answers from Oklahoma City on

Are you closer to Baptist or Mercy? I take my boys to The Pediatric Group ###-###-####) next door to Integris/Baptist Medical Center. We go to a male pediatrician, Dr. Hamed Albiek, but we have seen Dr. Vijaya Malpani when he's out of town, and she's wonderful too.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

jana freeman! she is in the offince with ann parrington, and use the same number. she is very open to alternative vaccine schedules, and very reticent to give antibiotics, etc. she is very sweet with the kids, and my two year old daughter likes her alot. she is so much more into nutrition/prevention/alternatives than other MD's i have found.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

My friend takes her 3 girls to a pediatrician she loves named
Denise Scott. Dr. Scott co-shares her practice with another woman doctor named Dr. Sigler who my friend likes as well. My friend said that Dr. Scott is only there 2 or 3 days a week b/c she is a mom, too, and she spends time with her family the other days. If you don't mind that schedule, my friend says Dr. Scott is wonderful and very thorough. Her office is on 56th ( south side of Baptist)and is very easy to get in and out of and there is a Walgreens on bottom floor which is very convenient when you have a sick kid that needs a prescription!
Hope this helps....



answers from Oklahoma City on

I go to NW Pefatric group on nW 56th by Baptist Hospital and I love her. Her name is Dr.Grim, she is always willing to listen and actually has given me choices about about my children medical care.

Good Luck!



answers from Oklahoma City on

I know you said woman, but I have a GREAT male pediatrician. Kenneth Jackson ###-###-####. He is kind and caring. I also feel that he really listens.

Story: My middle child was diagnosed with cancer at age 3 1/2, in 2005. When my son starting showing symptoms I took him to see Dr Jackson. After running all the tests he could in office he didn't find anything. We ended up in the ER at Baptist that night only to get the diagnosis. 7am the next morning Dr Jackson walks into our room to make sure we were okay and to say how sorry he was that he didn't find it. We were transferred to Children's and he even came to check onmy son there! To this day he checks my kids over more than once to make sure something isn't missed. (It wasn't his fault he didn't feel my son's tumor. It ballooned in the hours after leaving the office.)

He has a new PA that is also wonderful. Her name is Angela. (Sorry I can't remember he last name.) She is taking her own patient load. We love her too!



answers from Oklahoma City on

I use Dr Carla Werner she has an office over by mercy. I feel like she really listens and she is not part of a "group" so we always see her, not some uninformed stranger who takes us that day. She does have a slight accent, but you can understand her very well and she is very cheerful and has a wonderful bedside manner.
I had to page her once after hours because my daughter was running a very high fever and she called me back within twenty minutes.
Once my daughter had an infection in her finger that is easily misdiagnosed and when the medicine she gave wasn't working, I told her about some research I had done on the internet and what I thought it was and she prescribed the medicine we needed. I don't fault her for not catching it right away because the infection is almost always misdiagnosed. My niece had the same thing and when my sister went to er I had to tell them that I had already seen this and what is was, or they would have misdiagnosed it as well.
When we need an appointment for an emergency, they work us in that same day or the very next.



answers from Oklahoma City on

Dr. Ann Parrington, ###-###-####. Absolutely LOVE HER!



answers from Oklahoma City on

I use Northwest Pediatrics. ###-###-####. It is a grup and there is a woman in there. I use one of the men, Dr. Leveridge, and he does listen. (My 12 year old was a preemie and I switched there because a lady general practice showed she had no previous experience treating one. Anyway, he listened to me and responded very favorably and then proceeded with the checkup. He has proven to me during that time that he will take time out of his busy schedule to return phone calls, etc.) The lady in the group seems to be just as caring. I couldn't be paid enough to leave that group. My kids love our doctor. When the same son required stitched in the ER, the first place he wanted to go was his doc to show off. The doc stopped in the hall way for a brief minute to see him and thank my son for coming by. Other docs in theclinic hallway smiled (and showed they thought it was cute. All very compassionate)



answers from Oklahoma City on

Dr. Colleen Dooley. She is located in NW Medical Tower just south of Integris Baptist Medical Center on NW Expressway. She is absolutely wonderful. My son is 5 and was born witha congenital heart defect and had open heart surgery when he was 8 days old. Well, I panic everytime he gets sick and take him to her. I asked her if I paniced too much and she said "You are doing just fine." Seth, my son, just loves her and she is really good with him. I highly recommend her. Her number is ###-###-####. Good luck!

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