Pediactric Dentist In/near Macomb

Updated on July 13, 2010
M.C. asks from Macomb, MI
5 answers

Do any of you mom's out there know of any good pediatric dentists? I have two toddlers that need to go. Thanks in advance for your help!

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answers from Detroit on

Drs Delaney, Plunkett, Ralstrom, and Makowski.

They have an office in clinton township (on Garfield near 17 mile road) and one in Eastpointe. My daughter is going today for her first visit. I have heard many good things about them from neighbors and friends. They come highly recommend.

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answers from Detroit on

Love dr. Makowski my son is 6 and has seen him since he was 2 and my daughter who is almost 3 sees him! All the dr's there are great though all the workers are so sweet too! But we do love dr Mac the most!

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answers from Detroit on

Dr.Campbell 16 and mound awesome dentist is awesome with the kids


Dr.Campbell 16 and mound awesome dentist is awesome with the kids

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Detroit on

We've always been very happy with Preferred Dental at 10 Mile & Kelly. They also have a northern Macomb office. Great with children and adults.

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answers from Detroit on

We see Dr. Jeffrey Teno somewhere around the 23/Garfield area. He is NOT a pediatric dentist but he and his hygenists are great with my young kids. After all my research, I was more comfortable with them than with the actual pediatric dentists. When I was a kid, I was terrified of my pediatric dentist and my parents switched me to an "adult" dentist. He was SO MUCH better with kids than the pediatric. Go figure. So don't limit yourself to just pediatric.

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