Look for a mentoring program in your area. Sometimes the local YMCA or other club will offer something like that. Perhaps call the local Department of Human Services or your daughters school as they should have a list of mentoring programs in the area. I found an excellent mentor for my son through his school when we were having trouble and it was a huge help!
As for doing chores, they way I handled it with my kids is that if they didn't do their chores, they didn't get their allowance or privledges because those are earned through doing the work, just like in the real world.
The most important thing is to let your daughter know that she can talk to you about anything and then let her talk to you without you getting mad (tho it's ok to tell her if you aren't happy with her). Take her aside sometime and ask her point blank why she is so angry all the time...what is it that is making her so unhappy? Make her think about it. Don't expect an answer right away, but let her know that you will hear her out when she is ready and that you will be waiting for that answer. When my daughter finally fessed up that she was sexually active (she is 15 and this was recent) she confessed that she was afraid to tell me because she thought I would get angry. Instead I told her that I can't undo what was done and tho I wasn't happy about it, she was right in telling me and I helped her to get proper protection and had another long talk about boys and that you have to be careful who you sleep with because you never know who is going to be the one to jump in the gene pool with you! I'm not saying that I wasn't biting my tongue and holding back my anger the whole time, but my outward attitude helped teach her and show her that love is the more powerful thing and that mom WILL ALWAYS be there NO MATTER what!
I have always allowed my kids to speak their mind, only asking that they do so in a manner that is not disrespectful or demeaning. If they are angry, tell me they are angry, chances are I'll tell them that I am angry at them too, but at least we are talking. Learn which battles are worth fighting (out past curfew yes) and which aren't (hair style no...for me anyway!) and know that some things have to be learned the hard way no matter how we wish it otherwise.
When things start escalating, don't be afraid to take a 'time out' and ask them to go to their room so you can both calm down and think over what you or they want/need to say and come back when you both can speak more calmly to each other. They need to learn how to better express themselves and it is up to you to teach them how. No, it's not easy, and sometimes they will say things to you that will hurt your feelings but as long as they are being honest and open, keep talking! Don't be afraid to tell them how you feel too, without anger in your voice. Routing a teens anger isn't easy but is so worth the effort at the end of the day.
One thing I always told my kids is that if they tell me the truth about things, I will be by their side no matter what but if they lie to me once, they are on their own. I stuck to that and it only took one time for my kids to learn that I meant business! I also didn't hesitate to call the police when things got out of hand between us. The reality of it helped them to put it in perspective, that I was not going to mess around while also showing them that there is a better way to handle things than that (it only took one time, after that I gave them the option...go cool off or I call 911 and eventually I only had to ask for a cool off time). When my kids skipped school, I called the police and reported them as a runaway so that it couldn't come back on me from the school. It's hard, really hard, but tough love doesn't mean easy on us parents!
At the end of all of this, my son is now a senior in High School and has already applied to the local community college, my daughter just informed me that she too plans on going to college and is basing her High School classes towards that goal. It was a rough road but my kids trust and respect me for what I did for them because now they know, I did it because I love them and for no other reason than that....though I do tell them that the gray hair on my head is their fault!! LOL ;)