Organic Milk Allergies??

Updated on March 21, 2016
S.S. asks from Macomb, MI
9 answers

I recently swiched from regular 2% milk to organic 2% milk. Since then, I noticed that my 4 year old daughter has started developing a eczema type rash on her face. It is not all the time however, but I do notice it. I can't think of any other changes in her diet. Just wondering if anyone else had experienced this??


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answers from Kalamazoo on

I've not experienced it with organic milk, but my daughter developed hives from soy milk. If you haven't changed anything else, take her off the milk and see if it goes away.

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answers from Detroit on

I nursed both of my girls until they were almost 1, before switching them to regular cow's milk. With my 1st, no problems. With my 2nd, she started getting a rash on her chin that wouldn't go away. I didn't know that it was eczema at the time. I tried switching to soy milk, no change. She then went for testing. She has allergies to milk, soy, peanuts and wheat. I pray that she'll outgrow this. If the allergens are strictly avoided, 80% of kids outgrow it. She drinks rice milk. I'm glad her reaction is not severe, just rashes and loose stool, if she gets a hold of something she's not supposed to. I just wouldn't let it go, I'd check it out. Or, you could cut out all milk for 10 days and see if the rash goes away, then you know, but that requires reading labels. Good luck

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answers from Detroit on

you should have her checked by an allergist. my 4 yr old nephew started getting red-rash like marks on his face after eating apples. the allergist found out he's allergic to apples, and raw carrots. weird, but he said he'd probably out grow it



answers from Saginaw on

No but with so many other allergens in the air as the ice goes out, it may not be the milk. If it's bothering her, try a topical creme like Benadryl and see if it clears. Another easy way to isolate the source is to brush her hair well and wash her face after going outside - air borne particles stay attached to hair and eyelashes especially with the high winds we're having. If that helps lessen the rash, chances are it's pollen or mold spores she's reacting to rather than the milk.



answers from Grand Rapids on

Consider that it might not be a food allergy at all. Did you change laundry soap? Get her a new stuffed toy? It could still be from the organic milk....I surely don't know. But my daugther is very sensitive to soaps and things like that. Sounds like you have gotten a lot of good advice about different things to try.



answers from Saginaw on

The same thing happends to me, my son, and my daughter. Maybe the allergy just formed I don't think it would matter if it is organic or not.I switched to soy milk and no eczama!!!!! My dr. said that there is something that is in the milk that does it. I am OK with yougart and hard cheeses but soft icecream sets it off.. Silk has some Vanilla flavored that is awesome! And they have some with added DHA that is really creamy.Good Luck, M.



answers from Lansing on


Like one of the other moms said, try cutting out milk totally for 10 days and see if the eczema disappears. If it does, then your daughter may be allergic, or intolerant, to the specific feed the cows were given. She may have a grass allergy (outdoor seasonal) and is reacting to these same chemicals that are coming through the milk.

If you check on-line for elimination diets, you can learn which foods (or groups of foods) your daughter may be intolerant to. This information could help her from developing full blown allergies later in her life.

If you have any specific questions about food allergies or intolerances, drop me an email. My son has seven intolerances and has been mostly symptom free for 2 years. I've learned a lot in that time and would be happy to share if you are interested.

Good luck!



answers from New York on

YES!!! We just tried changing to organic milk and all of a sudden our daughter is breaking out in terribly itchy hives! So glad we're not the only ones. Did you ever figure out anything??



answers from Detroit on

Congratulations on at least using organic.

There's a train of thought tho; cow milk for cows. Doesn't matter if it's organic or not.

Now, what other options are there? Rice milk, soy milk, or Almond Milk. I've gone from 1/2 % to Silk (soy milk), to Almond milk without any problems. You still get the calcium.

The exzema might be the result of another sensitivity. What other foods are you feeding? Are they organic too? If you can, get hold of Nature's Sunshine brand Red Clover Blend drops. Go online. I've used it, I've used it on my pets, my kids have used it. It's a good blood cleanser. Get the drops, tho. It blends in with water better. Then there's no concerns with ingesting a big ol' capsule!

Hope you resolve it.

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