My daughter has the same thing. We are taking her where we took my son, who have several food sensitivies/allergies.
There are several doctors in the Area who do an allergy elimination technique called NAET. Its quick, non invasive, tests through the parent -surrogate testing- with Neurosensory muscle testing.
Then they treat it - first seeing what antibodies your body produces in response to the item (like histamine, T compressor cells, white blood cell reaction), and what organs it affects, and then it is treated.
For my sons food sensitivies/allergies it took 5 minutes to treat, 20 minutes resting in the office, and just avoiding the allergen for 48 hours. They retest you on the next visit to make sure you body no longer has a reaction to the allergen.
The technique uses a combination of western physiology, kinesiology, chiropratcitc, allopathy and homeopathy.
But one of the best parts for me with my 14 month old, was that we could stop the foods she has sensitivies/allergies to. Her diarrhea (her symptom) has stopped for the most part, and for my son, his asthma stopped to the point where he doesn't need any meds.
Its a relatively new mediology, so many dr.s don't know about it yet. My kids pediatrician just told us to do the BRAT diet for my daughter, but what we didn't realize (why it wasn't helping) was that she also has a food sensitivity to wheat, which is a main component of the BRAT diet.
And our pediatrician also told us to go ahead and use milk based formula, and give her milk, etc. saying she is not more likely to have an allergy if you give it to her early on. (based on a study they got recently) But since my husband and I BOTH have (now HAD since we've been treated) lactose sensitivies/allergies, I decided to get my daughter tested.
We go to Dr. Tam in Lombard - he is fabulous. ( to find practitioners close to you) Can't say enough about him!! (Oh, and our insurance covers it too!)