We use Abeka, which is a Christian school, so it's not for everyone. We have found it to be rigorous and challenging, so depending on what kind of student you have, that can be good or bad. My daughter needed the academic challenge, which she wasn't getting in public school. In 3 years of using Abeka, she jumped ahead a full grade. She will be able to take college courses by her junior year, saving us some money and giving her a head start. So yes, you can personalize it by going at the pace your child needs, whether that is fast or slow.
My daughter was getting A's and B's with Abeka. We sent her back to public school at the beginning of this year, and even though she was taking sophomore level classes as a freshman, she was getting an A+ in her classes and was bored out of her mind. So she is back home again!
If your child is a good reader, he/she will do well with Abeka. It is a LOT of reading, every day, in all subjects.
I will add this caveat - everything is taught through a conservative, evangelical view. I don't always agree with some of the things presented (not unlike public school lol), but it gives me the chance to talk to my daughter about those things and get her thinking critically.
The website is www.abekaacademy.org. They offer traditional home schooling as well. The program we are using is on DVD's, but you can also get it as streaming online. You also have the option of using the accredited program (where they do the record keeping and give you actual transcripts) or independent study.
I forgot to mention - it isn't cheap. We've spent about $1000/year, but that is still cheaper than a private school. There are online charter schools that run through the public school system, and they are free. I have some friends who have gone that route and been happy with the results as well.