Get pregnant. That's what worked for me. I don't know, something about protecting my child. Anyway, just an idea.
Any former smokers with some advice for how you quit. I ran out yesterday and decided not to buy anymore. I have hit the "butts" a couple of times but my husband and kids still have their heads intact! Please tell me what worked for you, I do not want to be a smoker anymore!!!
Thank you Thank you Thank you ALL for the great advice.
Everyone seems to have a little different piece to the puzzle and I am grateful for the imput. Each one of your nuggets comes up at a difficult time and helps me push through.
I have hit a few "butts" in really tough times but still have not smoked a full cig for almost 2 days! Might seem like a short time but to me it seemed impossible only a few days ago.
Today I am going to do what someone said and focus on the positive benefits of being a non smoker rather than the fact that I havent had a cig in a while. I also really like the idea of putting the cig money in an envelope for something in my future, I think I'll make it a gift for my husband and kids since they have put up with my smoking for years. I guess I have always been able to motivate myself for others, not that I don't think I am good enough reason all on my own!
Just wanted to say thanks for caring enough to spend time offering me what has worked for you. Congrats to all who have overcome this habit and to thos who are on their way to the same, including ME!
Get pregnant. That's what worked for me. I don't know, something about protecting my child. Anyway, just an idea.
There's a book called, "The easiest way to quit smoking" the author's name is something Carr. My husband read it and by the time he finished the book, he had quit smoking. Also, you can look on-line for herbal "quit smoking" pills, that have worked for a few of my friends. Hope this helps.
The only thing that worked for me was quitting cold turkey. I made my mind up (just like you) to quit being stinky!
I chewed lots of gum and pen tops, but eventually the urge left.
Always remind yourself why you are doing it... that helped me.
Best fo luck to you!
I quit cold turkey. After being a two pack a day smoker for years, it was time. The smell and the smoker's cough were getting old. It took three days of real discomfort and then several weeks of cravings. It boiled down to being stubborn and saying "no" to each craving. You only deal with one craving at a time. I went through lots and lots of gum. That was nearly six years ago. You can do it. You'll feel so much better and when you realize how much money you are saving, it'll be more incentive to stay smoke free.
I can sympalize with the whole smelling like a chimney thing.
I am a mother of (4) 3 of which are BOYS, and 1 girl ages 13,9,4, and just turning 5. My house is CRAZY to say the least. But about 3 months ago I was on my way to church for Vacation Bible School and gave it to God. I through my brand new pack of out the window and told the Lord that any cravings I had or mood swings, they were his, that I was not going to deal with them, and It has not bothered me one single bit, no cravings, no mood swings still married, and my kids don't smell like cigs anymore either. So my advice would be Take it to the Lord and LEAVE it with him.... It works..
and the Lord does have a since of humor because, I was teaching 3 & 4year olds durning VBS, 10 of them..... and never even wanted a smoke. God Bless & I'll be praying for you.
The only way I quit was through hypnosis. It was wonderful. I quit 4 years ago for good and have not had an urge since!! Without that I would have still been smoking for sure!!
i don't smoke, but my boyfriend did. he quit by chewing the nicotine gum. he has an oral fixation from the smoking and he replaced the cigarettes with the gum. he hasn't smoked in almost a year! good luck!
Hi there! I smoked from 18 to 22 and quit when I was pregnant. I started smoking again when my son was 4 months old. I just quit again on New Years eve 2006 and haven't started back. I quit cold turkey. A couple of things that helped me get through it was to identify the times I wanted a cig most, and avoid those. My times were 1. after eating, 2. while driving, 3. at work,4. while having an alcoholic drink and 5. after making love with my husband. To avoid these situations I did the following:
1. Ate SMALL amounts of food so that I wasn't full and wanting a cig
2. Took my son EVERYWHERE in the car with me (I never somoked anywhere around him) so I couldn't stop and buy some
3. Started working out like a fiend at our office gym during lunch and quit going out to lunch with friends that smoked (at least at first)
4. Didn't touch alochol for a while
5. Laid with my husban for a while afterwards and talked until the desire to smoke went away.
I hope this helps you! Good luck!
Well I stop smoking for two reasons. My health and my kids
I kept plenty of gum around and healthy snacks like carrots and stuff to keep something in my hand and mouth at all times. Make sure you keep stuff around that won't pack on the pounds. Wrigleys Doublemint gum worked for me. Good Luck!!! You will feel so much better!!!!!!
I smoked a pack sometimes two for many years and then I met Stephen who is now my husband. Stephen has an alergy to it so he said that he couldn't be with anyone that was a serious smoker. I had to make a choice and I made it that second. I put out my cigarette and I haven't touched one again since. That was December of 2001. I knew from the moment that I met him that he was the one for me and that was enough to make my decision. Let me tell you it was not easy by any means. My fingers would bleed because I was constanty biting my nails, I would buy boxes of straws to keep in the car for when I was in traffic so that I could chew them. I would also chew gum like there was no tomorrow. Now it is to the point that I think it stinks really bad and I don't want to be around it at all. My brother-in-law was the same way that I was but he fell inlove with running and that is how he gave it up.
I guess the deal is just find something that you love and get addicted to it instead that way your mind isn't on smoking it is on your new found love.
Hope this helps you.
Just don't do it... I know that sounds easy, but just make it a test of your will versus the cigarettes. I quit cold turkey on a spur of the moment, even though I had unsucessfully tried when my dad died of lung cancer. Get some hard candy to suck on. They say (and it's true) that the urge will go away within 15 minutes usually. So take each urge 1 at a time and do something else. You can do it! The physical addiction only lasts for 2 weeks and then it's the psychological. Avoid people who smoke and your triggers, like after a meal.. etc. Change your habits completely until you get a week or so into it. It will get easier everyday that you don't smoke. Good luck.
I smoked the mild version of cigs for over 10 years. When I decided to quit, I knew I would have a problem not sneaking at least one...when I get stressed, that is the first thing I think of.
I bought a cheap brand of nasty filter-less full-strength cigs...and when I just "had" to have one, I had to smoke those...it was so awful, it made me a little queasy, and after 2 attempts at smoking those things, I couldn't stand the smell or taste anymore!!
Now when I want a smoke really bad, I try to remember that horrid smell and the way it made me dizzy and made my stomach churn!
M., Have you tried the Patch? I picked it up five days ago and it has worked. Well, I did rip it off this morning and smoked a few, but I didn't "need" one. I didn't take the time to stop and pray about it, I just did it. I'm getting ready to shower and slap on another one. I will try everyday until I'm smoke free. I will pray for you as well. Just think how nasty it is...God does not want us to be dirty...he wants us to be clean and pure. We can do it. We are women...Look at everything we can do...lol we can beat this. :)
Wellbutrin. I took it twice a day and it was soooooooo easy.
I only had cravings for about a week, and the one time I smoked aftyer quitting, it was completely unsatisfying and NASTY. I was totally ungrumpy too!
Not sure what to tell you, but i am in the same boat. I had smoked for 9 years and quit when i was preg. with my last one. He is 17 months. Then 4 months later i started back. Now i have been trying unsucessfully to quit for 14 months. Let me know how your progress is going and any tricks you learn along the way that may help another stinky mom in need of freshening up.
I smoked for 13 years and felt just like you....ready to quit!!! I think that is the first step. I used the patch. I started with step one for 6 weeks then moved to step 2 for 2 weeks and by the time I got to step three I only did it for a couple of days. One day I forgot to put the patch on and realized then that I didn't need it anymore. My sister quit this way too. If you smoke less than a pack a day you should start with step two for 6 weeks and go from there. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work. You'll get there, like I said, the first step is being ready.
I noticed that you said you homeschool your children? My son is only 2 but I do plan on homeschooling as well. I have another baby on the way due in Febuary and was thinking about trying the mothers morning out program when my son is three, It is twice a week. Just so he can learn to play without me around. IS that against the homeschooling program? Will they get confused if they learn from a teacher? Have you ever left your kids like that?
Good for you!!
I quit smoking 4 1/2 years ago, cheated once on a night out with a good friend and regretted it later! I will not go back to being stinky anymore either!!
One thing I did is reward myself for not smoking. Each week I would put $25 (or what I'd spend on a carton) in an envelope with something that I wanted written on the outside, like, new bedroom furniture, or new summer clothes, or Vehical Payment, what ever I wanted to pay on for the month. This way I felt like I was quitting for a "good" reason, (not that my health and my kids weren't a good reason to quit too!) Reward yourself... You are doing a great thing for yourself and others around you!!!
Good Luck, A.
Today is my first day without cigarettes too! I've quit before so I know I can do it again. Good luck to you- I have no answers. All I know is you have to make that decision and STICK TO IT!!! No MATTER WHAT!!! It's hard but I've always heard that after 3 days it's all in your head. So just know that every hour that goes by you're closer to having it all out of your system. Good Luck!! Wish Me Luck Too!!!