It took me several times, but the patch was what finally helped me quit. It cut down the worst of the cravings. I'd also tried the gum, hypnosis, cold turkey, cutting down, but the patch was the one smoking cessation aid that really made a difference. I also had to avoid certain triggers. If there are specific places, times, or situations in which you smoke (e.g., when you drink, on your porch, with a specific friend), avoid those as much as you can until you're confident you've kicked the habit.
"They" say that all the nicotine has left your system after three days, so if you can go that long, it's not the nicotine you're craving anymore. At that point, it's habitual, so you need to fight the urge to go through the motions of smoking. One thing that might help: picture every time you exhale smoke that you're actually blowing it in your child's face.
Also try positive reinforcement. Think of all the money that you'll save not buying cigarettes. If you can go a certain amount of time without smoking, buy yourself something as a reward with the money you would have spent on smoking.
Good luck! Quitting smoking was so tough for me, but it's so worth it.