Hi E.,
I've been having the same problem with my son. I contacted La Leche League, and below is the advice I received. I just received this advice yesterday, so I can't say yet whether I'll be successful with these tips or not. Good luck!
It is possible to get an infant successfully nursing at the breast, and can be well worth the effort in the long run. Keep in mind that many moms re-lactate and breastfeed their adopted children (and not just newborns, even older infants who have had nothing but bottles for their first months of life).
I'll give you some tips that may help him to get back to the breast:
Put him to the breast when he is not hungry, encourage "comfort nursing".
Give him most of his feeding by bottle, then try to switch him to the breast. Click here to learn more about the “finish at the breast” method: http://www.lowmilksupply.org/finishatthebreast.shtml
If he is used to the bottle, and completely refusing the breast, he may be willing to take the breast with a nipple shield.
Pump a little before putting him to the breast to get the milk flowing so that he gets an "immediate reward".
You can eliminate supplemental bottles so that he gets all of his sucking at the breast. You can get milk into him by cup or syringe if he still needs supplemental milk.
Another way to eliminate bottles is to supplement at the breast. This has been helpful to some moms and babies transitioning from bottle to breast. For this you will need a supplemental nursing system. Your local La Leche League leader could help you to get one. For more information on this go to: http://www.lowmilksupply.org/abs.shtml
Increase skin on skin contact:
Many mothers have found skin-to-skin is the absolute best tool we have for increasing milk supply and getting babies to nurse really well. Spending as much time as you possibly can with you undressed from the waist up and Marco undressed except for a diaper, just letting him sleep in your arms against your skin until he wakes and wants to nurse, will help so much. It organizes baby's suck and it stimulates your milk supply. Skin-to-skin contact also keeps Marco warm and secure and helps him use all his energy to grow.
The two of you can cover up with a blanket when you’re resting together. When you’re up and around, you could carry him inside your shirt/jacket (a button up works best) when he is wearing nothing but a diaper. Babies love to be held so I'm sure he would be thrilled! If you have a sling or soft baby carrier you can carry him in that under your shirt/jacket.
Warm baths have been known to help too. There's something not only relaxing about a nice warm bath, but it also help the milk flow. If you bathe with him that is even better. The warm water helps baby relax and nurse better while it helps you relax and your milk to flow better. For safety only do this when someone is available to help you in and out of the tub.
With enough skin on skin time he may latch on by himself. After spending an hour or two in skin-to-skin contact, many babies wake up, and start to show signs of readiness to breastfeed. Baby turns his head from side-to-side (rooting) and makes scooping motions with his hands. When a baby does this, he is starting to look for the breast. He will start to scootch downward, toward one of your breasts. Just let him scoot himself down toward the breast, and find it himself. The mother needs to be patient and not rush the process. Sometimes it takes several sessions of skin-to-skin contact before the baby actually finds the nipple and latches on.
If you do give pumped milk or formula with a bottle, offer it to him in only his diaper, holding him against your bare chest, turned in close to “simulate” breastfeeding. You want him to associate this feeling with feeding.
Try breast compression:
Another tool that mothers have found very helpful for baby frustrated while nursing is breast compression. To do breast compression, put Marco to your breast and let him latch on and nurse. You'll see the little fluttery sucks at first while he is waiting for the milk to let down, then his sucking will change to slooooow sucks and you'll be able to hear him swallowing. That's how you know your milk is flowing (also called “letting down”).
When the milk stops flowing quickly, he will go back to the quick, fluttery sucks. Then you grasp your breast, with your hand well back away from the nipple, and squeeeeeeze and hold. You'll see that he goes back to the sloooow sucks again, as your milk begins flowing quickly and he drinks your milk. Keep holding the squeeze until he goes back to flutter-sucks, then release the squeeze for a few moments, and repeat. You can continue breast compression, followed by releasing the compression, for the whole nursing session. Doing breast compression can really help your baby get a lot more milk in a short time.
Here are links to our FAQ on relactation as well as a link to articles on adoptive breastfeeding (many relactating moms find that information helpful as well).
La Leche League's manual THE WOMANLY ART OF BREASTFEEDING has lots of good information on breastfeeding your baby. You can buy it through our Online Store at: http://store.llli.org You may also find it in bookstores or libraries in your area. It has been through six revisions and contains all the latest research-based information available about breastfeeding.
Perhaps it would be helpful for you to call a Leader in your area or attend a La Leche League meeting. The support and information of other nursing mothers may prove helpful to you. Check out the section of our Web site entitled "La Leche League Groups Around the World" at http://www.llli.org/WebIndex.html