You cannot potty train at night. This is a purely physical thing. I dealt with it for years and tried everything. My son was potty trained during the day at 18 months, but needed pullups until age 8! I personally do not believe limiting liquids helps. Pullups are awesome because they allow the child's nervous and muscular systems to develop in their own time. Our doctor, who has been a doctor for many years, always told us to wait because the nerves that cause the sensation needed to awaken someone from sleep were not developed enough. We kept trying things because we always thought there was something we could do, but he was definitely right. It is not worth putting yourself and your son through this. Before pull-ups, it was such a major hassle for any family who had to deal with this, but with pull-ups, you can allow your child to develop physically at his own pace. Remember: He is a asleep. This is not any kind of behavoiral issue and it's not a reflection on anything you are doing (or are not doing). I will say that my son has ADHD and I have talked with several other ADHD moms whose kids have this problem. These kids have a tough time going to sleep, but when they do, they sleep so soundly that nothing wakes them. On nights I did wake him, he was so out of it he tried to urinate in the tub. I have seen him in bed with an alarm blasting by his ear (from a wet underware alarm we tried), soaking wet and dead asleep! After that night, I just gave up, and we were all much happier. If your son is a super sound sleeper, be glad he's sleeping well and hang in there! It will work out!! I would suggest that you have him deal with his own pullups (throw them away in a designated trash can each morning) and keep him clean (we did this with quick showers in the am.)