We switched between prune juice and karo syrup. Sounds like your little girl had an allergic reaction to it (which she may grow out of)...but, I do have some experience with this. Our little one was hard to get here in the first place (fertility) and then premature, and under developed digestive system. So, been there...it takes 2 (or so) months for them to adjust to breastmilk/formula. You might consider either switching formula (we switched to Similac Sensitive for fussiness and gas) or taking dairy out of your diet...taking lactose out of her food sources. This could be the culprit. We found this with Chloe...and she's a happy, pooping, farting, burping, 8 month old! (besides the biting, which I think I have under control now : ))
** despite a successful career, I decided not to go back to work. However, I did seek out and was awarded grants to do work from home...so, look at your finances and talk to your partner about this. I didn't want someone else raising Chloe...we found a way to work around that. I write at night, and during her naps...I make a bit (not what I was making before), so I'm still contributing to the household. Just evaluate your finances and make a decision. With the recession, don't expect to go back for a few years though--it's sounding like the baby boomers are returning to work from retirement to make up for lost income in the stock market (ie, my mom) and taking jobs Generation X & Y would have had... I'm staying home until Chloe goes to preschool, then back to the workforce!