I delivered #1 at TMC - but that was almost 7 years ago. I had #2 at St. Joes. I agree with Jenifer that TMC is great on the delivery side and not so much on the recovery side. I was only allowed to have 2 ice packs and I had a level 3 tear! I couldn't get out of bed on my own due to stitches and swelling, but I couldn't have more ice.
My experience at St. Joe's was MUCH better. I got there at shift change with contractions 1 - 2 minutes apart. Not even time for an IV. They got me to a room and in a bed so fast it would make your head spin! For recovery, there was a drawer full of ice packs - for me to use as I saw fit (had a slight tear this time). And was given Tucks for the stitches - didn't get them at TMC - and let me tell you, they help A LOT!!
Also, at St. Joe's, you don't change rooms after you deliver - unless they have a crazy run of deliveries, then they move you. But, I got to a room and that was where I stayed until the day I went home. They have theme rooms that you can request - you can have your baby in a U of A theme room, if that's your thing. They can't guarantee the room, but will do what they can for you.
So, all things considered, if I were going to have another baby, I'd choose to deliver at St. Joe's. The entire experience was just more pleasant. Nothing wrong with TMC L&D, just wasn't impressed with the Mother/Baby side.