I found these ideas... "De-Solv-it is WONDERFUL for removing crayons after the dryer. It will also remove foundation from collars and grease. Some of my friends who are teachers swear by it for chewing gum too." " I used Carbona - Color Run Remover and used it in my washing machine with hot water. It worked! All of the crayon came out of my clothes. I did however have a plaid pair of shorts where it came out but the color of the shorts faded a little but everything else came out perfectly. Good luck and don't throw it away until you try "Carbona" I bought mine at the grocery store. it was only $3.00." "Use WD40, it works like a charm. Used it on my husband's brand new clothes, where a red crayon just happened to appear melted in the dryer. Life Saver." Good luck :}