I think all parents have this problem to some degree at least once when raising a child. So you are not alone.
However, I think you might be focusing too much on punishing and not moving beyond lying.
You're an adult. She obviously has a problem, but she's 8 and you are not. So start off by not setting her up. Then you can stop punishing her and start building on something that'll actually work.
Don't ask her anything that could result in a lie. Don't ask her "did you make this mess?" or "did you do your homework?". Just don't ask. Don't even ask her if she brushed her teeth in the morning.
Talk to her if she wants to talk to you. Don't ask her "how was school?". Ask her "How are you?" If she wants to tell you about her day, great. If not, you can either be quiet or tell her about your day.
Something that'll get you out of asking and let her know what her responsibilities are each day is a list, for her room. I'd just say "A list might help you remember what you're supposed to do each day. You're 8 and need to be responsible for certain things." Don't make the list full of hard stuff.... make it easy, so she can do it. And then don't ask her if she's done it.
I think she must be exerting some control by lying, so give her more responsibility and control over her life and step back a little.