Does she give you any cues that she is tired? (cranky, unhappy, rubs eyes, red/puffy eyelids) If so, put her down in the crib at the FIRST signs of tiredness.
I remember the same fustrations...being afraid to move or put baby down for fear of waking her. Rather than wait till you think she is zonked, let her fall in to sleep in the crib. She is at the age now of being aware of her surroundings and this could be why she is unhappy at the change from arms to crib. Teach her how to self-sooth now, and life will be sooooo much easier in the long run.
My 6 month old has been on this routine for months and it is great... after 1-3 hours of awake, if she shows any of those signs, down she the crib, immediately. At first I would stand there and comfort her with my hand or give her the pacifier, now I only sometimes give her the pacifier (if she seems to need it) and leave the room almost immediately. She is usually asleep after <5min.
Also, at night, you might want to try just soothing her w/o nursing (rocking her/pacifier/standing by crib w/o picking up...) and she will get out of the night eating habit. (Yes, it's VERY HARD to bear the crying for a few nights, but it WILL work!)
Soon enough, she will be such a good sleeper, you will get to sleep the entire night w/o feedings! hurray!
Good luck!
-K. (1st time mom, part-time teacher, married 5 years)