You NEED to have him see a Nutritionist.
The Doctor should have automatically sent him to one.
My Dad was Diabetic... he has passed away, due to complications from Diabetes, and was on dialysis prior.
It will take a different mindset... as far as eating.. so that is why seeing a Nutritionist... is PARAMOUNT. It will take adjusting to it and then being able to know his dietary requirements, and you as a wife per cooking for him etc. But it is very important.
I REALLY URGE you and him, to see a Nutritionist for Diabetes. NOt just a willy-nilly one you pick yourself.. a real Nutritionist that specializes in Diabetes patients.
AND, your Husband should be seeing a "Renal Doctor" as well to check his kidneys.
When my Dad became diabetic, he saw a Specialist in Diabetes, as well as his Primary Care Physician, and an Eye Doctor who Specialized in eye diseases/Diabetic patients.
THESE are very important to have.... it takes TEAM of Doctors, to monitor and care for a Diabetic patient, in any stage of the disease. And they ALL coordinated care, for my Dad. My Dad also saw a heart Specialist.
He saw ALL of these DOCTORS regularly.... monthly.
This is what I stress as VERY KEENLY important... I lived with and cared for my Dad the whole time he was sick with Diabetes.
If his Primary Care Physician is NOT a specialist in Diabetes.... he/she should be referring your Husband to one... AND to a proper Nutritionist.
Diabetes is not a disease to take lightly. It takes DAILY care and upkeep.
I Did not mean to sound so stern... but Diabetes is not only about "snacking." This is only the tip of the iceberg.
SEE a Nutritionist, or ask his Doctor, and see proper Diabetes Specialists.
I wish you the best,