Its going to be fine,
Simple solution,
Make sure all the TV programs she is watching are PBS
or Sprout TV They teach them lessons.
And keeps her occupied and entertained with possitive exposure
You really need to stop yelling, all your doing is teaching your daughter HOW to lose control, and that is OK to just Yell and carry on.
She is a GOOD girl and you are a GOOD family.
But you can't expect to teach your daughter a lesson that you haven't learned yet yourself.
SO, first focus on your OWN reaction,
Easier said than Done, right,
WRONG- What you do, is make sure your DAys are planned and organized
this makes everything run smoothly, and and then your daughter will be happy and so will you,
After this, you work on your reactions to things,
Eg. Your daughter makes a mess?
Realize that its NOT her fault, She is a KID, and needs to be monitored EVERY MINUTE. LOL I know it can be difficult
But this is where getting organized can change things
Planning out her day give her structure, and it doesn't have to be MAJOR,
All you need is a timer.
Even use the microwave timer. Or cell phone
Decide to feed your daughter her breakfast at a certain time
and then a snack at another specific time.
She needs to sit at the table
She needs to WAIT at the table till you have cleaned it off OR help you clear it off ( At 2 she is capable of putting things in the garbage and putting her plates in the sink
( just make sure they are plastic)
If you praise her she will be happy to do it
and its and easy way to start
After she learns this task she will be able to clean up her OWN toys
@ days a week should be PLAY DAYS
Eg.. LIke a playdate, and a messy playdough afternoon
3 days a week should be at home
and very routine
And weekends are family days.
Lay out her clothes every night, don't give her a choice
Lay out the New babys clothes aswell,
including yours and your husbands
Breakfast lunch and dinner should be at the same time everyday.
( YOU can wait to eat with your husband if you like but she must eat ON a schedule)
ALL of these little things will go a long way to repairing your daughters episodes
Good luck
Mother of 3