My boys are 23 months apart and I have been using the combi side by side stroller. I like it because it is only 20 lbs and can fit through the metal detector at the airport. We travel to see family quite a bit. It is nice that it is so lightweight and portable. The disadvantage is that the seats don't sit upright as much as I would like and the baskets underneath are not very big. I have a diaper bag that has a long strap that loops over the handle that I can store more things in for trips to the airport. The stroller is 300 dollars but has not gotten worn yet and I got it new on ebay for 200 dollars. I am hoping that I can sell it later and get back some of my money. I definately could not have used the sit and stand stroller. Most of them say the child has to be 2 1/2 to start using it and my son is the type that wants to sit in the stroller. You can also hook the infant seat on this stroller but is mostly meant for the Combi infant seat. Good luck for whatever you decide.