Hi, J.!
I have an 18-month-old son and we have sort of "fallen into" a rhythm that works well for us. He gets up somewhere between 6-7:30am, just depends on the day. He gets a diaper change and gets dressed, picks out his socks (rarely matching, but he's very proud!) and has breakfast. He helps a lot with the breakfast preparation - picking out an oatmeal packet from the box, putting the lid on the tea kettle, putting the waffle in the toaster or pressing start on the microwave, etc. He eats and jabbers away at me while I make and eat my own breakfast and clean up.
After breakfast we usually read however many books he'll sit still for and then play for an hour or so. We go from toy to toy, play simple hide-and-seek, play with a huge cardboard box in our basement play area, chase each other, whatever keeps his attention and keeps him active. Then he usually has a snack and has taken to playing on his own for a good 30-45 minutes after snack because he's had lots of "mommy time" already.
If we have errands to run or it's nice enough to go for a walk or to the park, now is the time. He is awake, happy, he's usually had his dirty diaper for the morning and he's well-fed. I try to get us home between 11-11:30 for lunch and we eat together. I again try to keep him active for the next hour or so and starting at about 12:45 we snuggle and watch part of a "Blue's Clues" episode, which is a huge treat for him. He knows that when it comes on and he snuggles, it's time to calm down because I put him down for a nap at 1:00. This didn't used to be so scheduled, but I'm due with my second and wanted him on a SCHEDULED nap time before dealing with a newborn! It really has worked well.
He usually plays in his crib (not crying) and listens to his music for about 10-15 minutes and then sleeps anywhere from 2-3 hours. When he gets up we have a snack and watch the rest of the "Blue's Clues" episode and snuggle, have a drink of water, etc. Then we play until Daddy gets home from work and we eat dinner at 5:30. We have family time or go to whatever activity is on and then at 8:00 we give him a bath, get into PJ's, start his music and he goes to sleep for 10-11 peaceful hours! :-)
This won't happen overnight, but it's just our natural rhythm and I love it because I know to schedule doctor's appointments, play dates, etc., during that nice 9:30-11 time after snack and before lunch!
Good luck with discovering your own home's schedule and rhythm!