This past April we replaced our washer. We went to our local Sears Outlet ( check your phone directory, or online. Online usually you will also find additional savings coupons you can use!You can just print them out), and boy did we get a great washer and a GREATER deal! I got an Electrolux cobalt blue front load washer-it is SO FAST, SO QUIET, and does an EXCELLENT JOB- and the original price was almost $1000, we got it for like $500. This worked out great, because we were going to also replace our dryer, but since the new washer spins the clothes so well, our dryer does not have to work as hard, so we can wait a while longer to replace it. The washer used less water, and has every feature you could want. The color choices may be limited, that is why I ended up with the color I did, I was motivated by price, not so much as a matching set for the sake of aesthetics.This washer is really great-a friend at work has one, of another brand, and she loves hers,too. You just have to buy 'high efficiency' detergent, which is at every grocery store, for about the same price as all the others. It comes in liquid or powder, and you may use which one you prefer. So I vote for Sears outlet for the savings, and the front loader electrolux to get the job done! Good luck!