I found with my own children (11 and 8), that when they begin this (or any other bad bahavior), I stop them before it gets bad (r when I recognize it) and punish them. But finding the punishment that works is the harder part. Right now for my children, whenever they choose to whine or complain or argue, they receive 15 minutes of chores to do around the house. Something that is easy, but no desireable to do especially when they want to play. Things like vacuuming, dusting, putting videos away neatly, cleaning the bathroom, cleaning windows, raking leaves, etc. Sometimes it is more than one job, but they have to work continuously for 15 minutes to have it taken off the board. They hate doing these menial tasks, so they avoid them when I give them one warning. If they don't stop, I write it on a white board I have in the hall. Sometimes they do the chore right away, other times, it is a day or two later, whenever I need them, and they have to stop everything (especially playing) to help me. I hope this helps. Good Luck