Talk to your vet. Maybe she needs a better pain medication, or something stronger. I often see cases of other vets not treating pain adequately.
Also, sometimes these dogs need surgery. Not to add to your anxiety, but ruptured discs can put pressure on the spinal cord, causing varying degrees of weakness, paralysis and other neurological issues. An MRI is needed to pinpoint the problem and location and then surgery to remove the herniated disc material can be performed. I used to work at a veterinary neurology specialty center where these type of cases and procedures were quite common and routine. If she has suddenly lost control of her back legs - not just too painful too walk but really can't use them (i.e. losing balance, dragging, knuckling over, etc.), she needs to be re-evaluated immediately.
There is nothing that says you are going to lose your dog from this. But if she is not getting better, or seems to be getting worse, you need to go back to your regular veterinarian, or possibly seek a second opinion if you are not satisfied with the answers you are getting.
I know you said you were not looking for advice, but being a vet myself, I had to give my 0.02. Hope she feels better soon!
ETA: Surgery is not a guarantee, but nothing ever is. Look into Care Credit as a way to help with expenses - most vets offer it and accept it for payment. I have seen many many dogs improve and recover with surgery, though it can take time. A "doggie cart" might be an option too, for helping her get around, if she is in fact paralyzed and surgery is not an option. I wish you the best of luck and sincerely hope it works out for the best!