YOU ONLY HAVE ONE DAD!!!!! Let him spoil you a little. You and your husband KNOW that if you choose, you can be extravigant AND your Dad knows too. There may be years when he won't do it and just a few when he will. Some day he won't be there to do it.
For me, it was a gorgeous cashmere sweater with a mink collar. At the time, we had nothing -- husband in school, me working & pregnant. I still have the sweater 40+ yrs later along with the special gifts my husband gave me through years -- some very expensive and some very inexpensive. All are precious.
Dad also bought me one of the first polaroid cameras ever made and a really high fangled toaster that he saw at a buffet. He knew just how I would use them. Since Dad was not proned to spoiling me, I accepted the gifts as his way of saying that he approved of what I was doing and how I was living at that time. It didn't mean that he disliked, disrespected or wanted to be more magnanimous than my spouse. He just wanted to remember that old feeling of being my Dad. Once, on a business trip, he brought me a Dallas Original blouse, Mom something lovely, and brought my 4 siblings the latest airport trinket. The siblingss didn't fuss at all. I was in high school at the time & I knew it was Dad's way of recognizing that I was growing up. I wore it to shreads! Other times he did this for one of the others. We all normally understood the meaning of that special gift. It was okay.
Tell Hubby that he will understand when it's his teenage or grown daughter and he sees something that makes him think of her delight when the unexpected gift arrives.
As to equality among gifts, my parents always bought the same gift for sons & son-in-laws and daughters & daughter-in-laws. Since my sister-in-law's family didn't do the same(as most don't), SHE really was gifted a lot.
An $80 sweater is a wonderful gift. Much better than the nightgown from Sears my sister always got from her parents-in-law while her husband and daughters always got boxes of new clothes and the latest new gadget. Jane was always "put out" but I always reminded her that they were saving her scads of money on things she would not have to buy him and the girls. They all laugh about it now and the girls do remember feeling like princesses in the outfits. Since they were raised correctly at home by understanding parents, they are not spoiled or demanding of their parents or husbands today. They became wonderful, productive, members of the world, have good husbands, and are now great moms themselves. AND YES!!! Jane spoils the Grands like crazy!!!!
I recently had Grandchild #9 & Great Grand child #1 -- both girls. As I held them that first time, I said "Hello my darling. I'm your Grannie Annie. I'm the Grandma who buys JEWELRY! The Dad's laughed harder than the Mom's.
We are blessed that my business takes my husband & me to at least a few exotic places each year. I always save an afternoon or day to shop for children, Grands, & friends. Since I usually ship the loot home direct from the stores, the office staff thinks its Christmas even before I return. Many of the packages are saved for Christmas, birthdays, special events. These are not spoiling gifts, these are things that we wouldn't ever see except for my travels. The son-in-laws learned to undersstand, the daughter-in-laws get a kick out of it (& a few "special" treats too) and the Grands learn stories of worlds they now want to explore when they grow up. I always include lots of books and cultural toys that often go to school for show & tell. IT still ADDS UP to a lot of stuff that others might consider extravigant and of the spoiling nature. Staying grounded in the family, in their faith, in loving & in being loved will keep "that wolf" from the door.
As for your Dad, Some day you may be the one wanting to buy things for him. A special dessert to tempt him to eat, a special sausage you remember him bringing home years ago, a dish your Mom fixed, or even a very expensive coat that reminded you of how he loves beautiful, quality clothing.
Enjoy the love you are so blessed to be surrounded by. Tell Hubby to "cool it". One day Dad will surprise you all by coming in with something very special for HIM TOO (Dad just hasn't figured out what that is yet BUT he will)!