My Doctor Wants to Induce Me a Week Early.

Updated on August 11, 2009
L.S. asks from Sherman Oaks, CA
38 answers

Hi Moms,

My doctor wants to induce me a week early, I was all for it at the time we spoke about it, but after doing some research I am having second thoughts. My doctors reasons are 1. I was 9 days early with my first and only in labor for 3.5 hours. He feels there is a chance this labor could be shorter and I would not get to the hospital or even he would not get there. 2. I would have someone watching my daughter and do not need to worry about finding help in the middle of the night.
I agree we have no family in NY and I would have to call a friend in the middle of the night to watch my daughter. I also do not want to take a chance of having the baby in a taxi or having my doctor not make it.

I just started doing some research and the cons of inducing out weigh the pros. Anyone who has experience of being induce and having a natural delivery and not a c-section? I still have another 6 weeks to decided what I want to do.

Thanks for your advise.

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answers from New York on

I was induced 3 weeks early for medical reasons and it did end up in a c-section, unfortunately. However, I know of several ladies just recently who were induced and responded well and were able to have the babies vaginally.



answers from New York on

I had to be induced and it didn't work after 2 days and I ended up have to get a c-section which I didn't want to do. If it is simply for logistical and not health reasons I wouldn't do it.

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answers from New York on

The absolute fact is that pitocin greatly increases your chances of having a c-section. The contractions are very unnatural and quite intense even though they try to increase the intensity gradually. Not EVERYONE has an early baby twice. My daughter was a week early and my son was a week late.

How far away are you from the hospital? Has your pregnancy been similar to your first?

I had two c-sections that ended up being necessary. Both times my doctors insisted on pitocin and I went along. If I had known then what I know now, I would not have gone along with it. The pain was awful--I was fine contracting on my own--and the babies ended up in distress from the intensity the pitocin caused. My daughter went into distress almost immediately after they started the drip.

Also, inducing at 39 weeks does not mean your baby is ready to be born. Babies come naturally when their bodies have fully developed and they are ready to come out.

You've done this before. Have faith that there's enough time to get to the hospital. Have faith in yourself that the worst case scenario would be that you deliver en route and the chances of that are very slim unless you live over an hour away from your hospital.

Good luck.

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answers from New York on

I agree with pretty much everyone here in saying "taxi birth avoidance" is not a medical reason to induce. If you are lucky enough (jeez- what's your secret??) to have another short labor -- congrats!! I am sure you will make it to wherever you need to be in time to have the delivery you are obviously VERY capable of having, in a way that is non-stressful to your baby.

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answers from Rochester on

Hi L.,

Both of my deliveries were fast (less than 6 hours of labor with each, and I only pushed for 25 minutes both times). My first was a few days past his due date and I had to be induced with pitocin. I was leaking fluid and did not go into labor on my own. With my second boy my water BROKE (nastiest experience--so thankful I had just gotten home from church!). They tried a vaginal hormone to induce overnight (can't remember the name) but nothing much changed, so they still had to induce me the next day. There was no real choice because of the risk of infection. The contractions are much more painful on pitocin (I hear--I haven't tried without) and I ended up with an epidural each time. Bottom line: I've had friends who barely made it to the hospital, who didn't even have a doctor in delivery. One friend even had to have 2 or 3 transfusions because she lost so much blood. There are risks no matter what you choose. (She is of course having another baby now and all is well.) Honestly though, I wouldn't plan to be induced to avoid inconveniencing the doctor in the middle of the night. Just have a few good friends "on-call" who are willing to sleep with their phones as you approach your due date. Good luck! :)



answers from New York on

I was induced with my first because for some reason they measured my baby and thought that she was 10lbs at 36weeks. They suggested that I have a c section but I was totally against it.

One thing you have to remember is that it is your choice. My choice was to get induced because I would do anything not to have a c section and I told the doctor that the only way they could cut me was if me or the baby was at risk of dying.

I know all labor is different but my labor with my son which was natual was a lot easier then my daughter which was induced. The pain was more bareable.

I don't know what to tell you, but this is God's will so if you wait and you go into labor and you have the baby in the car on the way (just kidding) then that is what god will for you.

If I had the choice all over again I would go natural but there is nothing wrong with inducing either.



answers from Buffalo on

Wow, I personally can't understand why any doctor would induce early without a good medical reason.

I was induced a week early due to high blood pressure and ended up with a c-section. I never dialated past 4 cm. My body was NOT ready. I now wish that I had never agreed to be induced. It really wasn't necessary and now I have to deal with scheduled c-section vs. VBAC with the next pregancy.

So my advice would definitely be to just wait until the baby and your body are ready!



answers from New York on

I had a similar situation: Baby #1 was born two weeks early and just 45 minutes after I arrived at the hospital with only two hours of discomfort at home. Because I started dilating and effacing at 36 weeks with Baby #2 (which is when it started with Baby #1) my doctors suggested inducing me at 39 weeks if I hadn't already delivered.

It took a lot of planning, but it was worth it. We had a few scenarios at the ready, including 1) have our nanny "on-call" to come to the hospital after hours if need be so she could look after my then-15-month-old; 2) have our nanny spend the night if I went into labor during the day while she was looking after my then-15-month-old. My MIL lives 3 hours away and had her bag packed and in the trunk at 36 weeks, just in case she needed to me a quick trip down to us. For scenario #1, I gave an envelope with car service money in it to my nanny so she'd have cash handy should she need to get to me/my son quickly; she also had the address of the hospital as well as directions. For scenario #2, our nanny brought an overnight bag to our home when I was 36 weeks.

What ended up happening, you ask? Well, like clockwork, Baby #2 decided to arrive at 38 weeks. I felt "junky" all afternoon -- but no contractions -- and my nanny left at 7:30 PM, as usual. I called my doctor at 8:30 PM to make sure I shouldn't get myself to the hospital; he thought it would be wise "just in case". So, at 8:30 I called my nanny and asked her to take a car back over to our apartment, and I called a car service for myself. My husband stayed behind while I went to the hospital and then met me once our nanny arrived; he got there 30 minutes after I was admitted. I can't explain the peace of mind I had knowing our son was home, in bed, sleeping -- not sitting in the corner of the delivery room, as my doctor reminded me was a possibility (although, should this have happened, he also reminded me that it wouldn't have been the first time, so not to worry!).

My labor with Baby #2 was different than with Baby #1; it took longer, possibly because I got to the hospital at the onset versus the end. Relatively speaking, both were very short labors however.

My advice is: 1) Get a game plan of how you'll get to the hospital (i.e. have a bunch of car service #s on hand if you don't have a car); 2) Consider having your hubby stay behind a few mins until your childcare arrives; 3) Be prepared to bring your daughter with you to the hospital (and have diapers, food, toys, etc. in a bag for her); 4) Breathe. :) It will all turn out fine. And, consider having a chat with your baby-on-board; my little guy and I had a few talks and I asked him to work with mommy so we could have a great experience together -- and not to come out until we were at the hospital and daddy had arrived. Good little boy, he listened to his mama.

All the best to you. It is WONDERFUL to have two little ones at home!!!



answers from New York on

I was induced 3 days early, finally they had to break my water, a labored for a couple hours waiting for the epidural, napped for 3 hrs, then delivered 2hrs later via 3 healthy pushes that took all of 10 minutes. So yes just because you are induced doesn't mean you automatically get a C-Sect. I begged for one but they wouldn't let me, looking back I am so grateful but i was just scared to death of the whole childbirth idea knowing how big the baby was.. hehehe,, it was all in all pretty easy!!

I just read some of the other replies, I have to say that I do agree with Michelle K. Even though my experience was fine, Mother Nature is there for a reason :) I would let nature take it's course, You know enough that when labor starts get the process moving don't wait until your contractions are 2 in apart... I would trust the process as it's meant to be.



answers from New York on

I was induced at 36 weeks with my single daughter and also with my twins. The induction was for medical reasons... I was taking blood thinner and needed to have a controlled delivery. Also, b/c our first child was born still, my doctor wanted the babies out as soon as possible. I did have to do an amnio to check lung maturity, but if you are delivering after 38 weeks, you probably won't need to do that.
I had no issues with the pitocin. I assume labor hurts no matter what. I had a great epidural with my singleton and had NO pain at all. Got the epidural before they broke my water. With the twins, the epidural wasn't as good, so I felt pain, but more pain from the babies coming out than the contraction pain.
I've heard stories that pitocin deliveries are more painful, but if you are doing an epidural, it shouldn't really matter. There are risks, such as needing a c-section, but I suppose that could always happen... even with a non-induced delivery.
If you have another child at home and want to have it more planned out, then induction is a good option.



answers from New York on

I was induced with my first and (other than the pitocin) had a completely drug free natural birth. I was also 2 weeks late. I would not accept being induced before my due date if it was not medically necessary !!!

I do want to state though - that I was NOT happy to be induced bc of all of the cons and possible things it could lead to (c-section, etc). I even tried taking castor oil to avoid the induction. The castor oil did get my labor started on its own - but it was very slow and not progressing so they wound up giving me pitocin anyway. It did make the contractions stronger - but like I said can certainly still have a natural birth !

good luck :)



answers from New York on


Hello! I was induced with my second child at 38 wks because it was what was best for him. I was not overly excited to be induced either. As one of the moms already said, it is not neccessarily going to be shorter when you are induced because it depends on whether your body is ready to deliver. Also, I had pitocin, and did not get an epidural right away. It was not too bad until they broke my water. After that happened I was pretty mad they did not warn me to get the epi when they were breaking my water because the pain was horrible- and I had my 1st with no meds at all so you can imagine how uncomfortable I felt.

Other than the pain before the epi I had no other issues, and as 1 other woman said no other help aside from the episiotomy- which I also had with my first and was glad they did. Good luck with whatever you choose as this is a personal decision! :)



answers from New York on

Congrats on your growing family.

I was induced three times and had vaginal deliveries all three times. The second time they induced me on my delivery date for reason #2 - I had a daughter and was concerned about finding someone to take care of her on short notice. All three times I had a natural delivery.

For what it is worth, my doctor told me that she wasn't concerned about the second two inductions because she already knew that my body would respond to the induction and that I could deliver a baby vaginally. So the risk of a c-section was only if there was some trauma to the baby or problem with the cord.

The one difference between my first induction and the subsequent ones was cervadil, which I had the first time but not the two following times (not sure why I didn't have to have it the second two times). My labor experience was exactly the same all three times - in labor for 12 hours and then short time pushing before delivery.

BTW - the reason that I went along for the second two inductions (the first time they were concerned about the size of the baby) was because I was going to use pain medication to manage my pain. I never felt a non-induced labor pain so I cannot compare, but the labor pain from the induced contractions was quite intense so if you are trying to deliver without pain medication, the induction could definitely make it more painful.

Hope that helps. Good luck!



answers from New York on

Hi L.,

All three of my labors with my boys were induced, all delivered vaginally. The doctor who delivered my second son was very confident - he told me that when inducing mothers who previously delivered vaginally, he had never had to perform a c-section on any of them (me included).

I did a lot of research on inductions when I was pregnant with my first and was very opposed, but when I went almost two weeks past my due date, things sort of left my control. I completely understand your hesitation, but honestly if your doctor is confident and you trust him, I wouldn't worry too much.

Some last thoughts:
1. My second labor was the shortest of the three (this tends to be the case for most women, from what I've read and been told)
2. If you're induced, as you said before, you won't have to worry about lining up help or chance delivering in a cab.
3. With my third, it briefly looked like I was going to have a c-section because his heart rate dropped during the first contraction with the epidural. This would have happened regardless of how I went into labor.

Do what feels right for you. Sleep on it, play out each possible scenario and see which feels best.

Good luck!



answers from New York on


I have no personal experience to rely on but I am a bit confused and concerned for you and your baby. Despite all the really wonderful positive stories that have been presented, there is a reason inductions lead to the "cascade" of interventions. I just finished Ricki Lake's book, Your Best Birth and it offers a really balanced look at this type of situation. It also offers a more scientific view of induction such as the fact that often induced contractions are not as effective and are exhaustive (thus the need for an epi) and have a tendency to "slam" your baby downward versus the more rhythmic squeezing non-medicated contractions produce. Once an epi starts, then there is the issue of stripping membranes or breaking the bag of waters and so on. The book does offer alternatives and suggetions of compromises. It was a really easy read. I ran through it in a weekend and I would highly recommend it.

I have been told that an induction is typically used for being overdue or for a medical reason, not "convenience". They state that labor is typically triggered by the baby when the lungs are fully matured so you have to wonder if just because your first was ready early will your second one be? Also, while I know it is tempting to have made arrangements for your daughter ahead of the moment, I am sure you have a stronger support network around you than you realize who is more than willing to jump to your aid. Is there a mom from daycare/nursey school, your local church, a neighbor?

I am in a similar situation as my family in 2 hours south in NJ while we live in NY. I intend to birth at Valley in Ridgewood and my first was rapid too. My water broke at 3pm, full blown contractions were started at 5:30/6 and she was born at 8:43. I had these dillusional visions of pacing the hospital hallway for hours! LOL!!

My folks would never make it in time to the hospital, let alone the house, to watch my little girl so everyone, even more casual contacts, have been rallying around my family with offers to help. Most folks understand that they are signing up for a possible 3AM phone call!

As for the speed of your delivery, as scarey as it sounds, you would not be the first to have your baby in a cab. Can you imagine all those moms that get stuck in NY City traffic?!? Sorry, probably a bad joke. But seriously, if there is a concern about the speed of your labor, maybe you should also investigate your closest hospital. I know that your OB would not be present but if the choice is a cab or a hospital, maybe you are better off having those directions on hand, just in case. Having been through labor once, there are certain signs that most likely will be familiar to you like when the waters break, how quickly did you hit transition (that point where you think you can not do it), and how long did you push? Evaluate those now while you are calm and use them as a guide to make your choice as to where to go when the time comes.

As for your doc, if he doesn't make it, it is really no big deal (IMO). You are the MOM. You are the one delivering! Honestly, during a minimally invasive birth (aka natural birth), the only thing a doctor does is play catcher.

Maybe some more discussion with your doctor is in order. Maybe you should share your fears about an early induction leading to a c-section and about your concerns about baby being ready.

Either way, I wish you the best of luck on your decision.

Good Luck.



answers from New York on

Per Lamaze International: Care practice #1, Labor should begin on it's own. Have a look at the Lamaze website and specifically at the 6 care practices. You should get all the info you need explaining why labor that begins spontaneously is the best way to go (barring any medical indication that baby is better off out than in). I understand the appeal of planning your labor but at the end of the day the most important thing is a healthy mommy and a healthy baby. The less we intervene, the more likely we are to see that happen.

Whatever you choose, make sure it is what feels right to you. And congratulations!!!



answers from Albany on

L., I have a frind who was a dula and she explains that she gets frustrated with doctors when they want to induce and/or do c-section when there is no medical need for it. Many of them do it since it's convenient for them. I personally don't recommend it unless it's medically necessary. My second felt very heavy and he was induced a week early and I wished I didn't because he wasn't as heavy as I thought and felt he was. My third one was gaining a lot of weight near the end and they were concerned because of my gestational diabetes and he was getting big, they induced me a week early and I should have said no. I already had two pregnancies previously, vaginally and naturally, so he's bigger, no matter the size they all ripped me but they were worth it. Pitocin made me very sick and the labor was fast and intense and almost unbearable and not too long before they were born I throw up and it was not good throwing up. I had to have pitocin for all three becuase nothing they could do to have me go into labor worked. I needed pitocin to get the labor going. For you, no medical concerns, my opinion would be wait and let the baby come on its own. If you were two weeks, then it's a different story, but you are looking at what is convenient. You don't know, the baby may come in the daytime, the doctor if he's not there, oh well, it wasn't meant to be and I was hoping for one I wanted to be there to deliver and it was someone else whom I didn't know and he was excellent and kind and understandable, etc. I couldn't ask for anyone better. I recommend for the baby to come when he/she is ready and you'll be all for the better. :) Congrats on your addition....another pair of feet has enlarged your family and make the home seem smaller (ha, ha, ha) and let us know how it went or what you decided, please.



answers from New York on

I was induced one week early with both my kids. I broke my pelvis as a teenager and we were concerned that a large baby might result in a re-fracture of the pelvis. I had no problems either time and will do it again with my next. Good luck.



answers from Buffalo on

i was in the same situation. My husband and I moved to Buffalo with at the time my 1 month old. when it was time to deliver my 2nd child we had no family to watch our son. we had friends and neighbers, but i felt really bad about waking them up at like 3 in the morning if i went into labor. my doctor wanted to enduced me so i was able to arrange for my mother to come to Buffalo and watch my son. it was the best thing. i was in labor with my 1st child for aprox. 6 hours and i was enduced with him. My 2nd child i was enduced and i was in labor for like 20. i went in on a monday morning and had her on a tuesday morning.and because my son was with my mother that was one less worry i had. i knew he was safe. best of luck to you and your family.



answers from New York on

Just because your first was nine days early does not mean
thhis one will be. If you live very far from a hospital
and you are really worried you would not make it, then
I guess consider it. However, it sounds to me like
your doctor is doing it for his convenience. I just
am not a fan of induction. 3 1/2 hours of labor is not
quick, a nice short labor yes. Again just remember no
two pregancies are the same. Good luck.



answers from New York on

I have three children and I was induced for two of them (my water broke, but I never dialated). It did make the labor more intense, and it seemed to take longer- 12 hours for the first, and 8 hours for the second, but had them naturally- although I did have epidurals and that really helped. My third child was due Christmas day, and they wanted to induce me 10 days early- I guess doctor didn't want to have to come in on the holiday! I chose to wait it out, and went into labor only 5 days early- was in labor 6 hours,went natural with an epidural again. You can always make the appointment to get induced early,and then change your mind as you get closer, or you might go earlier on your own. You can ask the doctor if you can be hooked up to a monitor weekly(have them use some medical excuse for your insurance)to see if you are having any contractions that you are not feeling. I did this with my last child- you just lay in a relaxing chair(like at the dentist) and they hook you up to a fetal monitor for about a half hour. Hope this helps and good luck.



answers from Albany on

I have never been induced. I've actually had 3 c-sections because my first was an emergency and I was not comfortable with the risks associated with VBACs. I did want to say though that of the people I know who have had their children naturally, they have all said each one got faster. Just because they came early once didn't mean they came early again but the actualy LABOR was shorter. My SIL had her baby in the hallway at the hospital because they couldn't wheel her into a room fast enough. Having said that, I agree you have to be careful though inducing early. I've heard inductions are more painful. I would definitely prepare yourself for anything to happen though if you wait. Would it be so bad if you had the baby naturally on the way? I know it wouldn't be ideal but at least the baby would be arriving because it was time.

Best of luck whatever you decide and I hear you about not having family here in NY. It's a big reason I want to move back home. :(



answers from New York on

Perhaps your doctor's real reason or concern is that he has an upcoming vacation or golf tournament scheduled on your due date?



answers from New York on

Hi L.

I have 2 kids and was induced twice. The first time my water broke 3 weeks early but my body didn't go into labor at all, so it was a 26 hour experience on pitocin. But I delivered him vaginally, no just took forever. The second time I was induced (had my water broke, pitocin, the whole 9 yards) but I was a week and a half late. This time it was only 4 hours...I dialated SO fast and didn't have time for the epidural, but I got through it and it was fine.

I can see the concerns, but wouldn't you have someone "ready" to come over at any moment, even the middle of the night to stay with your kids? It's not like you would be calling some random person, spur of the moment to stay with them for such a big event. Also, there is no way to predict if you will go early just because you were the first time. I think I would wait it out if I were you. I hope it all goes well!! Let us know what you decide and how it all works out!!! God bless you and your growing family!



answers from New York on

For me personally, these would not be compelling reasons. I bet your friends would love to be on call for watching your daughter. People are always looking for ways to help and it's a joy when the "help" isn't something you have to buy!
I labored with the most minimal amount of Pitocen and no pain medications for 12 hours - no c-section needed. The truth is, as you can see from all this advice, pretty much ANY scenario you can imagine MIGHT happen in birth. You are weighing the risk of delivering your baby in a less than ideal situation (with possible risks due to lack of doctor) against the risk of having more medical complications because of the induction. You're the only one who can decide, but if I were you, and I didn't want the C-section, I would go with the first risk. A doctor that suggests you induce a week early on those parameters - he'll section you in a heartbeat.



answers from New York on

I just had my second little girl on April 16th and I was induced at my own request. Granted we were 5 days over the due date. I had a normal vaginal delivery, no complications besides the episiotomy, but I had that with my first one too. And it actually tore at the exact same spot only this time it was only 2nd grade, with my older one it was 3rd grade.
The pain seemed more intense when I got induced but that is mainly because with a normal delivery you usually have contractions for quite a long time building up to the big ones, while when you get induced it's like a light switch that is being turned on, VOILA here are your contractions. With Number 1 I was in labor for 8 hours with number 2 it was less than 2.5 hours from being induced to having my little bitty girl (8pounds 4 oz) in my arms.

The reason I got induced was that my husband was home on 15 day leave from Iraq and she didn't want to come out on her due date. by the time I got induced hubby was home already for 1 week. I needed him there for me during the delivery and to take care of our older one (thankfully my mother-in-law was on vacation here in Germany)

I would ask your OB how often he has women being induced ending up with a c-section and how many delivery naturally.

Hope I was able to help a little bit



answers from New York on

I was induced 9 days after my due date. My MIL tried to scare me about it saying I would land up with a csection etc, but my daughter was nice & cozy where she was & needed some nudging to come out!! I had a wonderful labor experience & did not have a csection. I don't know how you feel about getting an epidural but I happily had one and therefore can't speak to how it would have felt otherwise. I actually am happy I was induced as one of my biggest fears was not getting there in time. I felt secure this way as I was being watched by the dr from the get go etc.

Please let me know if you have any other questions about my experience. Good luck!!



answers from New York on

Hi L.,
First, I want to say congratulations with your second. I am 33 wks. preg. with my third. Second, I was induced with both of my pregnancies and gave birth naturally to both with no drugs or epi. Being induced makes the contractions stronger faster. A lot of the complications come as a result of taking drugs in order to get through being induced and not being able to use the contractions to your advantage to push the baby out. Not evervyone's pregnancy is the same. I would hate to give you my experience and have something bad happen. Go with your gut, who knows you might have the baby early as well and won't have to be induced anyway. Hope this helps and God bless.



answers from New York on

I was induced at full term with pitocin. Contractions and dilating came naturally. The doctor broke my water to speed things along and I naturally gave birth to a beautiful 8 lb 4 oz boy on 6/10/06. I could not have been more pleased by the delivery.



answers from New York on

I was induced with both of my children but not for convenience. It sounds like your doctor is planning this delivery around his schedule and that bothers me. I was 11 days late with both children and started labor on my own but it was not progressing well and that is why I was induced. If you are not comfortable it is your body, your baby, and your choice. I would not let him talk me into anything if I was not in agreement with him,or if it was not for sound medical reasons. Good luck on your new addition!!!



answers from Binghamton on

From an article in the LA Times - "Some experts say the practice creates unnecessary risks and costs. It can lead to more interventions, such as caesarean sections, and increased use of forceps and vacuum devices to assist in delivery, research has shown. A 2005 study in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology found that C-sections occurred 12% of the time among women having spontaneous labor compared with 23.4% for women having medically necessary labor induction and 23.8% for women having elective labor induction.

Other studies have found that, compared with spontaneous labor, elective induction leads to longer hospital stays and higher costs. Induced labor also may be more painful because some of the drugs administered to trigger labor can cause more intense contractions. "

I would discuss these potential complications with your doc -
Best of luck!



answers from New York on

I was induced 1 day early because the sonograms were showing that the baby was gaining weight very quickly and the doctors, knowing that I wanted to do a vaginal birth, were concerned that he was going to be too big for me to push out if we waited much longer AND because there was a big heat wave and I started to get swollen feet and very uncomfortable. I had the cervidal the night before, then pitocin and an epi. I was 2 cm dialated when I got to the hospital and was able to deliver vaginally. It was actually nice to plan out when I was going to the hospital and my parents (who live 2 hours away) and in-laws were able to be there the day my son was born which was very special for us.

The fact is that pitocin is very common these days... my sister whose water broke 1 week before she was due ended up having to get pitocin to move along the dialation and she also delivered vaginally.

I would say wait to see how you are feeling as the date to make a decision nears. If we have a hot summer, it might be better to be induced so that you can avoid swelling and other complications (heat stroke, etc.).



answers from New York on

sounds similar to what my situation was- my son is now 8 weeks doc wanted to induce me 1 week early cause it was my second also and he said second babies come faster and baby is ready etc... nonsense. if i was overdue i would have been induced if medically best for baby but not before due date. i ended up in labor 1 day after due date on my own. if no problems with your pregnancy-why induce? much is about your doctors convenience with his schedule-sorry to say.



answers from Jamestown on

I was induced a month early with my youngest child. I was really scarred, but my amniotic fluids were getting lower and waiting would have been hazardous to my daughter's life. She's 3 now and and only has problems with her sinuses.

Since your doctor wants to do it a week early, personally I can't understand your fear...but I understand THE fear. Everyone says babies come when they are ready, but I don't agree with that. Sometimes we need to help them along.

Have your baby early and pray everything is okay.




answers from New York on

I was induced with my 2nd and 3rd babies for the same reasons. My first and second both came in 5 hours, but my 3rd came in 20 minutes! All births were natural, and the last didn't even give me time for an epidural. We don't have family around either so it gave us the planning time we needed to find someone to come and be with them.
By "induced" I mean that I was already dilated 5 cm and effacing before she broke my water at 38 weeks. She did give me a little pittosin through IV. If I did it again, I would insist on waiting to start pittosin until after at least an hour to ensure that I don't progress on my own.
Good luck to you. Hope this helps.



answers from New York on

I have had all natural deliveries, however during my last delivery the gave me the pitoccin, WOW what pain it was worse that regular labor in my opinion.

BUT Like you i was so worried about not having anyone to watch my boys, so I said YES to the induction.

The baby had other plans LOL,

We ended up calling friends to the hospital and the labor was just like any other, I pushe like 3-4 times and out popped my baby, but labor was 3 hours.

I would say either way things should be fine,

Go for the induction, at least you'll be able to relax knowing your kids are in a safe place.




answers from New York on

My advice is to let it happen naturally. For a few reasons: first of all, these last few weeks in the womb are vital for the brain development. usually people are induced, as I was for my second child, because they are overdue by 2 weeks ( that is the protocol in the UK where I live). Secondly, like many have said, contractions are unbelievable. For me, they never stopped! In natural labor, you contract, then have a rest period before the next. With my induction, there was no rest period, just contraction on top of contraction... Finally they gave me a shot of something which counteracted the induction, gave me an epidural, and then I started dilating (which didn't happen with the induction (contraction without dilation = hell). I was very close to a c-section, but where I was they wanted to avoid it as much as possible, and they had a monitor attached by a wire to the baby's head. I did have a successful vaginal delivery in the end. And after everything, you forget it all when your baby is in your arms regardless of what it was like! And all labors are different! If you make the necessary preparations well enough ahead of time, I'm sure everything will work out just fine. My sister lives in the Bronx and made it downtown for the birth, the whole process lasted 2 hours! SHe was quick just like you. Let us know how it goes!



answers from Buffalo on

girrrl....i was induced with both my boys and let me teel you......the contracts are crazy hard and fast and intense...nothing like a regular labor.....if you are getting induced i suggest you forgo the "natural" thing and get the epidural......u just cannot imagine...beside sif you are induced the natural thing kindas goes out the window doesnt it?
and buy natural im assuming u mean no pain meds of any kind?my first boy was 10 pounds, 2nd 7ish, both were vaginal. i pushe dboth out in 10 minutes. induction doesnt mean section. especially if you are firm about wanting to try vaginal first. i was terrified of the big c so it was a powerful motivator in delivering those guys!:)

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