You know, I had pitocin the first time around (I went into labor naturally, but my doctor had dinner reservations somewhere and didn't want to cancel them, so he decided I would have pitocin to speed things along... yes, really). My doctor broke my water when I was around 6cm, and my baby went into immediate distress - heart rate was barely there, and they called for an emergency c-section. Thankfully, a veteran L&D nurse ran in and had me flip over onto all fours - and the baby's heart rate came back up on its own. Crisis averted - BUT, from this I learned that sometimes your water doesn't break because the baby isn't ready for it to break (in our case, my daughter's umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck, and the sudden loss of amniotic fluid caused her head to bend forward and put pressure on the cord).
I had an epidural almost immediately upon checking into the hospital with both babies - actually, if you read the studies on this, there is NO DIFFERENCE in labor times in women who have epidurals early on, and those who wait. I think pitocin will screw with you a lot more than an epidural will, to be honest.
So, with baby #2, my water broke before I went into labor, and I had no pitocin. Labor was WAY easier when my body was in charge of the schedule, and not the doctor. And actually, afterward, I didn't feel like I'd been punched in the stomach repeatedly, like I had the first time.
If you have the choice, I vote for no induction. Just let your body handle this on your own schedule, rather than trying to impose a schedule on the process. If there's no medical reason to induce, I wouldn't do it. Just me personally.
In terms of going into labor - the first time, I went into labor because I'd been laughing (really, really hard - crying laughing). We watched a Robin Williams stand-up show on tv, and I swear that all that laughing made me go into labor (2 weeks early, and with my first baby, at that). The second time, my baby came right on her due date, and NOTHING I did sped that along. I walked, I jogged, I ate all kinds of random foods that people told me to try, nothing worked. On my due date, I just woke up, got out of bed, and pop! My water broke. So... it will happen when it happens.