My daughter, who is now six, was a really good sleeper as an infant, but she seemed to have to cry for 10 min no matter what I would do. I read every baby book out there and tried rocking, singing, pitch black room, nothing seemed to work. I would cry because I felt like a terrible mother who couldn't console my child. However, as my daughter grew, it seems she just always had to fight sleep. She still tries to delay the bedtime routine and tells me she is not sleepy even though I know she is. Whatever you do, as a newborn, don't leave her alone to cry it out. That is for a much older child. Since she likes to swing, have you tried swinging her in your arms? Some one had to show me how to do that - the baby is tummy down in both of your arms, about waist height and you swing your arms side to side while you are rocking your hips. You could also rock forwards and back. My daughter loved this and I have many fond memories of calming her with this technique. Also try holding her in a completely dark room for at least 10 min. The other thing is trying to get her to sleep before she is overtired, it's always harder. I remember an older mom telling me that babies cry sometimes, because it's the only exercise they can get (a pedi told her that). Hang in there - just when you think you have it figured out, something else will be a problem : )