It sounds like it might be a hiatal hernia--this is when the stomach gets caught up under the diaphragm. It happens in babies because their stomach muscles aren't strong enough to keep all their organs in place. It happens in adults due to stress. It is a simple chiropractic adjustment to fix the problem. I would try that first. If the problems continue then you may need an ultra-sound. I would't put him on antacids. They will effect his ability to properly digest protein, which makes it hard to grow. There are natural remedies that work for GERD that won't have side effects and are safe for baby. Wish Garden makes herbs for kids in liquid form that are safe and effective. The herbs that help with this are typically catnip, fennel, aloe vera, papaya, probiotics, slippery elm, marshmallow. We had to use both these solutions for my youngest and it worked great.
Hope that helps! If you have more questions about this I'm happy to answer them.