Both of my children had reflux (GERD) problems. My first outgrew it and went off his meds at about 6 or 9 months. My second had severe problems and took a high dose of Prevacid until she was almost a year old. She had lots of tests done and was hospitalized (she was seeing a gastro specialist regularly). The Dr. told us to be patient and wait until she was a year old to think about other treatment options. And around 11 months, her symptoms began to go away, and at 13 months we are basically symptom free. So hopefully your child's symptoms will continue to get better over the next few months.
It's important to keep in mind that Axid doesn't prevent the spitting up part associated with GERD, it is working to decrease acid in the stomach, so that when the baby spits up it is not as painful/is not harming the lining of the esophagus. The nightime coughing you describe could be due to reflux. Has your child had any breathing problems or pneumonia? If so, this could be due to the reflux also. If you haven't already, try putting the baby's crib on an incline, and keep the baby upright for ~30 minutes (or more, if you can) before laying him down. The last thing would be that as you begin to introduce more solid foods into your son's diet, you will hopefully begin to see less of the spitting up. I think your son's symptoms sound consistent with GERD, but as long as his spitting up is not that often, and he doesn't get really fussy when he eats or when he spits up, I don't think he needs to see a specialist.
I hope this helps! Hopefully in a few months it won't even be an issue for you any more.