I agree with Nicole E - this is how I deal with my grandkids (2yrs/5yrs) when they might bite or even throw something or hit others. I try to make it sound like they are playing a game, and with excitement (jump up & down, clap hands) I say something like, "Oh boy, are we playing the biting game (or hitting game),"? I then proceed to bite them back. Right after, I then clap my hands again with excitement as if I like playing the game. You might have to do it a few times (biting them a little harder each time) before they realize they really don't like the biting game! My 2 yr old will forget sometimes and imediately know what I am going to do and will give me hugs or magic kisses (as a oops, I forgot Nana) before I PLAY back! I got this idea from a book called, Children: The Challenge, by Rudolf Dreikurs and Vicki Stolz. It was the best investment I made over 25 yrs ago. They will give you different examples of problems (temper tantrums, won't go to bed, etc.) and will give you suggestions & SOLUTIONS. They show you how not to get angry or resort to spanking - I tried that when I was raising my daughter over 30 years ago and it just made me feel guilt. Let me know if this works for you. Best of Luck, Nana J.