103 for more than 2 days is getting in the danger range for a 1 year old. Call your nurse hotline or your pediatrician's after hours line and get your dr's opinion.
A crowded ER is usually the last place you want a sick toddler with a depressed immune system, a primacare or small urgent care facility may be a better option if your pediatrician says to get him seen asap. My doctor office usually takes about an hour or two to respond to calls during the weekend.
In the meantime:
If he has fever and diarrhea, your biggest challenge right now is dehydration. Run a luke warm (not cold) bath and get in there with him with a bottle of gatorade and some bath toys. I'd suggest swim diapers or keeping his regular diaper on if he's having the big d.
Throw on some music and try to play games and keep him happy in the bathtub. With you in there, he's more likely to be comfortable despite the fact that to him the water will be freezing.