Let me see:
-whiny or mad (check)
-back talk (check)
-mood swings (check)
Yeap, congratulations, you just got a pre-teen!!
I have 2 year old going through her terribles 2 and a 12 year old going through pre-teens. Really, what I was thinking?!
Some things that have "kind" of working for us are:
-Be clear of your explectations
-Pick your battles
--Repeat to your self this will go away too.
-Listen to your teen (even if you don't agree with him, it helps a lot when they know you listen)
-Follow through your punishments but never punish on the heat of a fight.
-Use good cop - bad cop with dad
-Use a lot of sense of humor (we are very sarcastic in our family and sometimes a sour joke is better than screaming)
-Repeat to your self this will go away too. Again.
-Allow your kids to get in fights, but not hitting and not offensive talk.
-Recognize the good things he does.
-Keep telling him you love him
--Repeat to your self this will go away too. Did I say that before? Maybe this time it will work, lol.
-Keep posting and checking in mamapedia,maybe one day someone will find the 3 day solution to have a great, easy, drama free relationship with your teen. Hey, I see there is out there a book about 3 day for potty training, is all right to day dream!