My daughter (who's now 9) did this around 10 months. I have a very low tolerance for loud piercing noises so I knew I had to do something. I started teaching her sign language. She picked up on it immediately and still knows her signs. She was able to communicate with me when she was hungry, thirsty, wanted more to eat, when she had had enough to eat and even to say she was sorry. You don't have to teach your child a huge number of signs in order to be effective. If it's attention she wants, it will be a different story. I remember having to leave a restaurant once when she was doing her screaming thing. After sign language we didn't have a problem again. It's still nice because if she's doing something I don't want her to do in public I can sign to her and she will stop. That way I don't have to reprimand her in front of her friends but the behavior that needs to stop stops. It's also helpful when I need to remind her to say thanks for something or whatever.
There are all kinds of signing dvds even at the library. The one I used was called Baby Signs. And no, it didn't delay her speech.