My daughter was in a travel crib right by my bed for the first 6 months of life. If you want to keep her close by for a little while longer, try that. Travel cribs are bigger than bassinets. You can get pads for them to make them more comfortable. My daughter slept on a sheep skin. But if you feel it's time to move her to her own room, now is the time to do it. It might not be any trouble at all. She's young enough. Just start laying her down in the crib in her room. Start at nap times. Then if she does well with that after a few days, put her in there at night. Have a consistent bedtime routine, bath, feed her, sing a song or read a book, then put her to bed awake. If she still wakes up at night, you might want to keep her close to you, especially if you won't be able to get around very well for a while. My daughter had no trouble at all moving to her own room after sleeping with us for 6 months. Hopefully yours won't either!