When we first got together we had both been out of college and lived alone or with roomates independantly form our parents, and both made pretty good money for our age and location, so when we moved in together as an engaged couple, and then as a 2 income maried couple without kids, we worked it out kind of like roomates, he paid mortgage and car payments, I paid utilities and grocery bills - basically worked it out according to the percentage of the total income we made we paid that percentage of the expenses. Then after I got laid off for 4 months, he paid for everything except my gas and student loans - which I padi with my unemployment, and then when I got a good paying job again, we went back to "going dutch" so to speak.
Then, when we bought our second home, I got pregnant shortly thereafter, and got put on bedrest at 6 months, then everything went to him, and it has stayed that way, as I have become a say at home mom of 2. I do have a part time job making minimum wage at the local library, but that money goes all to me for just buying things for myself, the kids, and usually all our Christmas and Birthdya gifts for the whole family. He pays and writes out all the bills, although we do sit and talk about and go over the budget every few months, and any bigger exenses, we always talk to each other beforehand, like anything over $100 or so, that is not essential.
Good luck! This is a very important part of a marriage to agree one and work out a system for - my parents never sis work together on money, and it put alot of stress on my mom as she was the main bread winner and saver, and Dad was a big spender, without OKing it with her, they got divorced after 28 years cause they still hadn't figured it out or compromised.