Moms in West Fort Worth

Updated on August 18, 2007
B.A. asks from Laramie, WY
6 answers

I'm new to this area and I would like to make some new friends. I'm 27 yrs old my daughter is 4. I'm a stay at home mom, so I'm looking for others that might be interested in hanging out, shopping, or working out. I live near West Loop 820 around White Settlement.


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answers from Dallas on

Hey B. -
My name is Martha and I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter and a 10 month old son. We would love to meet you sometime, have you ever been to the Ridgmar Mall play area? My daughter loves to go there, if you want we can meet there sometime. We also have a park in our neighborhood, it is located on Chapel Creek at the entrance to Vista West community. Let me know if you'd like to set up a playdate at either of these places. My daughter is in MDO on Tuesdays and Thursdays but either of the other days work for us.
Martha D

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answers from Dallas on

I too am new I have 4 kids and I a stay at home mom. I would really like a friend. I live on River Lodge Trail North. I love going to parks, working out (I need that). I enjoy window shopping and just walking around.
Anyway if you are still looking for a friend or just want a play date for your little girl I'm interested.


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answers from Dallas on

I have a 5 year old daughter and live in your neighborhood. We should get together and have a play day.


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answers from Dallas on

I live in the same area too! I have two little boys, ages 2 and 4 yrs, with a baby on the way. Since I'm 8 mths pregnant I may not be able to get out as much anymore, but I may be able to every now and then.

For Pre-K I enrolled my son at a Mother's Day Out Program, it's two days a week from 9am to 2pm. I signed him up there because I know another mom who has been taking her son there for two years and loves it. It's off of Clifford St. next to Lockheed Martin. Just let me know if you want more info and I can give you the phone number and more details.

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answers from Dallas on

Try First United Methodist preschool downtown - great teachers and the price is mid-range compared to most. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

Hey! My name is Eliyah I live in Saginaw and have a preschool daycare in my home. I have a 3 yr old little girl would would love to have a little play mate. email me back we can talk!

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