Mommy's Ready to Wean

Updated on December 19, 2007
T.C. asks from Valparaiso, IN
4 answers

MY son is 11 months old. I am ready to wean but am not sure how to make this an easy transition for him. He will be ready for cow's milk next month, so I would like to begin. Besides his new teeth are really painful! He isn't biting but the teeth still get me.

I am really sad that this phase is ending, but ready to begin a new one. I work full time, and during the week I bf him on waking, at 5 pm when I pick him up from daycare, and usually twice in the evening (including night night). Weekends are harder since I am with him he wants me. I truely appreciate any suggestions that you have or things that did or did not work for you. Thanks so much!!!

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answers from Fort Wayne on

Go slowly. You can drop one feeding every 3-4 days depending on her your little guy responds. If you're waiting till he's a year old, I would suggest not using the bottle. Just give him a sippy with milk in it. He'll probably do better with the weanign then you. At least that's how it was with my dd.



answers from Chicago on

HI T.- I weaned all 4 of my kids between 12 and 14 months (would hold off another month if youcan just so you don't have to go to bottles and formula) I gave milk with meals and snacks in a sippy cup and dropped 1 feeding about every week or 2 and after about 2 monthes I was done nursing. I offered the babies water during the day. I didn't have any engorgement and the babies didn't seem to mind at all.
Good Luck!



answers from Chicago on

I just weaned my daughter a week ago (she just turned 16 months). She was on whole milk and was taking a sippy fine. So one day I just stopped offering it to her. It was completely torture for me not to give it to her because I knew that I could get the crying to stop but I would just try to distract her or give her to my husband to play with so she wasn't tempted. Which she did fine with. I also stopped cradling her. I would cuddle and love her but not put her in the position she was to being in to nurse. We literally went cold turkey. It took 3 days to completely wean her day and night. But now, she may ask if she gets hurt but I just tell her lets find your sippy and mommy will cuddle ya. But she sleeps through the night and is doing great with her sippy. I honestly wouldn't have done it any other way. I think it went rather smoothly for the both of us.



answers from Indianapolis on

I am currently going through weaning my 13 month old son right now. I waited until he was a year old and could have whole milk and dropped the 5 pm feeding first (bottle given by my husband). Since that was around dinner time, he hardly even noticed. I dropped one feeding/pumping session a week which caused me VERY LITTLE discomfort. I am still nursing in the morning, before bed and yes- when he wakes in the middle of the night (although he is sleeping through more regularly). It may seem like a slow pace but it has worked for us. Dropping the pumping was the greatest as I am a working mom as well.

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