My son turned 1 year almost a month ago and that's when I began the weaning process. I was nursing/pumping for 4 sessions a day (am, morning snack/meal, afternoon snack and dinner). Gave him about an ounce of whole milk (though now my doctor said they are recommending 2% b/c of the obesity problem) to see how he'd respond and he did fine. So, I started with the afternoon feeding first. I figured if I was uncomfortable, then at least I would still be able to nurse him for dinner. Took a couple days for my body to adjust, so in another week, I took away the morning meal and just nursed for breakfast/dinner. I then took the night feeding away. I was uncomfortable for a couple nights...the pain woke me up a few times, but again was fine in a couple days. So, now I'm down to getting rid of the morning feeding. I tried one day, but by the night time was engorged and started to feel blockages forming. I tried some cabbage leaves that night and woke up a bit better in the morning. I still nursed him because I didn't want to be at work and uncomfortable. So, I guess I'm going to get rid of that last feeding by nursing every other day, then every two days, etc.
I do get acupuncture treatments and my acupuncturist just told me there's an herb to help deal with engorgement. I haven't tried it yet, but he's working on getting some for me. If you're interested, I could give you some feedback once I try it.
On another note, I do seem to have some problems with my son taking the cup. He's always had a bottle at daycare and for over a month we've tried working with the cup with him. However, lately, he's been throwing the cup and refusing to drink the milk. I think it's a combination of getting teeth, weaning, the bottle being easier AND possibly the milk being colder. Just trying to play around with each one of these ideas with each feeding trying to see how it will go. Getting a little nervous, which is why I haven't truly let go of that last nursing session (just want to have it to make sure he getting SOMETHING each day!). So if you can, try to introduce smalls changes....use the frozen breast milk b/c it's best and introduce the cup. Once he's used to that, try going towards regular milk.
Anyhow, sorry for the rambling...just going through the same thing right now, so I thought it could help. Good-luck and CONGRATS on getting rid of the pump!