Hi L.. My daughter had molluscum for about 2 years (started at age 3 or 4). Not a lot of bumps but they were on her face, some near her eyes and a few on her torso. Her pediatrician recommended a pediatric dermatologist. He used one ointment, Aldara, which didn't help. The second treatment he tried was the chemical to burn off the bumps - He put it on, you leave it on for about an hour & then wash it off w/ warm water - this was when it burned and hurt her - poor baby!
Like you, I did some research on the internet. I came across a website that offered a treatment plan that contained silver - an ointment and a spray to wash down EVERYTHING because this is highly contagious (as I truly found out because then I got it).
The site is www.molluscumsilvercure.com - don't know if they're still around but try it. I'm not sure if it was the treatment or that she was on the way out of molluscum hell but it worked! She was soon bump-free!
Like others mentioned here, the derm said to try piercing/opening the bump but it was too painful for my daugther. While I too used the ointment, I did pierce each bump to remove the hard, waxy "seed" and I then disinfected w/ alcohol before applying the ointment. Luckily mine only lasted a few months - I was dilligent about checking the area EVERY day/night.
I'd suggest the website treatment & get yourself some small circular-shaped bandaids where you can apply ointment & cover each individual bump. We did all day (put on a fresh band-aid w/ ointment in the morning & evening)on the few she had on her torso but at least overnight on those on her face.
Good luck! I know how frustrasting and helpless you feel. Oh, and they say they can spread through baths, swimming pools, and bath towels. Be careful w/ the rest of the family - I'd wipe down door knobs, fridge handles, pretty much her whole bedroom (I was obsessed I guess trying to contain it), etc w/ alcohol and/or lysol spray (and still got it).
I hope this info helps.