Being a military wife full time or part time you have to learn to be your own person. By this I mean you have to become independent of hubby and do things on your own. It is nice to want to tell him everything that happens in your day but that is not feasible.
As a couple of your posters mentioned the log/blog is a good way for hubby to catch up on all that you and the kids do.
Think of the time hubby is away as your me time. Do the things you want to do without him around and do them. Go to the chick flick with the girls, get the nails/hair done, have a lunch with a friend. Send kids off to the daycare for a few hours or a playdate. You have to become creative and think really outside the box in order to get through these times when hubby is not there.
It's a question of what would you do if hubby were not here any moer? How would you cope? Then do the things that you would have to do to make it go right. Being a military wife is not easy and you can't be a clinging vine to make it work.
You have to have an independent streak to survive. I have been an active duty wife for over 20 years and now am a retired military wife. There were times when hubby was away a year and I sure as hell wanted to know what went on but it was by letter back then and the letters took 6 weeks to get there. Phone calls were rare and they were timed for about 5 minutes - can't get everything said in that time just the basics of I love you and miss you.
Take up a hobby for the slow time and be yourself a woman. You will do fine just don't dwell on I miss him so much and look into how when he is not there you can do your thing.
Have a good year.
The other S.
PS They miss you but they have a job to do and are doing it to the best of their ability. You are his biggest cheerleader and supporter but you are also a person so don't lose yourself.