This is what I finally had to do when it all got way too crazy! First, everyone has to help clean up - even my 18 month old twins know how to unload the dishwasher and put dirty laundry in the hamper. My 5 year old really struggled to clean up her room or pick up after herself, so a few trips to the container store a lot of consulting and some serious clearing out of exess and organizing has made it possible for her to clean up by herself because everything has a home. My husband who is unable to throw away or let go of anything has unwittingly donated thousands of items over the years to Goodwill. If he hasn't looked at, touch it or even thought about it in 2 years, it's not needed.
Then for the daily clutter, I tried FlyLady and couldn't get started regularly. I have a very shiny sink and that's about it. LOL! What I do now is a quick run through the house every evening when the kids go to bed and then I wake up with it being a fresh start. I pick one room every couple of days to thoroughly clean, organize and sort and I am getting to where this is all easier as the excess gets cleared away and stuff slowly gets organized and put into it's proper place.