when i was working i had a cleaning lady come in every 2 weeks. i felt like since we were both working full time, i didn't want to waste my time on weekends cleaning, but spending time together. if i left a set of sheets on the beds they would change the sheets too.
Chores that were left for me were: a wipe down of the kitchen counters everynight, load/unload the dishwasher, wipe down of the bathroom, laundry and an vaccuum/sweep of the floors every couple of days.
i unload the dishwasher first thing everymorning, so that as the day goes on everything gets rinsed off and put right in the dishwasher - this cuts down on the sink filling up. and i right it right as i go to bed.
I live with clorox wipes to do a quick wipe down.
the swivel sweeper, it's really a surface vaccuum, but easy enough for my 2 & 4 year olds to use. and the love to "play" with it and they are cleaning up their crumbs as they do it too.
after having my second child, i'm home now, so i do it all now. but my kids are 2 & 4 and they are trained pretty good, and times better at cleaning up after themselves than my husband.
we're not a take your shoes off right as you enter the house kind of place - 1. we don't have a big enough entry to stash everyone's shoes and 2. i need to have some sort of shoes on at all times to help my back and knees. but my kids know the minute they take of their shoes they bring them right to the room (although sometimes 1 find my 2 year olds shoes in his laundry basket).
towels - we each have our own colored towel. so if someone leaves a towel on the floor we now who did it. this was mostly for my husband. after a shower he'd leave the bathroom with a towel and go to our room to get dressed - and he'd leave a towel on the floor or on our bed.... then the next day he'd get a new towel... so we each have our own towel and i pull all the towels on wednesday and sundays.
"Mad Minute" there are times where you look around and the place is a mess - especially on the weekends when we're all home all day - or in and out all day - i call a mad minute (more like 5-10 minutes) - everyone stops what they are doing and helps clean up at the same time - like in the living room - i say mad minute - we put away all toys, fold the blankets on the couch, any cups are brought into the kitchen, the floor is vaccumed, and the coffee table is cleared off/wiped down. imagine if all those tasks were divided among all 4 of you - it's 10-15 minutes of cleaning between all 4 of you instead of 1 hour just for you. mad minute in the kids bedrooms, even your room - means all laundry needs to be put away, toys put away etc.
laundry - i you do it all and fold it - put it in their rooms for them to put away (maybe help the kids put theirs away - but it is something that you do together). but your husband can definatly put his own clothes away. i found that once my husband realized how much laundry their was he was a bit more aware about what he deemed was dirty or not - like he'd put on a shirt, decide that he wanted to wear something else and change - but instead of putting the first shirt back it was easier for him to ball it up and put it in the hamper - once he was putting his own clothes away - he was a bit smarter about it. he was taking 2 showers a day - morning and night and using a new towel for each shower - now he uses a towel for 2 days before he puts it in the laundry.
we all have our own laundry basket - and i'd just keep stacking his clothes in the basket in front of his closet. now realize that that basket was always there with the clean clothes - and was never fully put away.... but aleast it was all in one spot, and if he was out of clean boxers, and he'd have to put the clean laundry away to find clean boxers that were at the bottom of the clean pile.
Trash - our trash day is monday - so sunday night we have a trash mad minute - the kids go get the trash bins from the bathroom/bed rooms, husband emptys out the kitchen trash, i put the recycling together (paper, and cans/bottle/glass), and we all bring it to the curb - again 4 people doing it gets done in 1 trip vs. 1 person doing it in 4 trips... then the kids bring in the barrels after school the next day. if we happen to be home on saturday in the yard etc... i might even put the trash out on saturday - it annoys my husband to have the trash out that early - but it's more annoying for me to be bugging him on monday morning on his way out the door that it's trash day.
my feeling is that everyone contributes to the mess, so everyone needs to help clean it up too.