Maternity Stores

Updated on March 06, 2007
M.W. asks from Midland, TX
7 answers

I live in Frisco and am having trouble finding cute maternity clothes at reasonable prices. I am pregnant with our 2nd child and we aren't having anymore after this so I don't want to spend a lot of money on clothing that I will never wear again. However, I haven't been satisfied with the clothing at places like Motherhood Maternity. I found a couple of cute things at Gap and Old Navy but the selection isn't that great. Mimi maternity had some cute stuff but I refuse to spend $100 on a pair of pants that I won't wear that much. Do any of you have suggestions on good places to get Maternity clothes?

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answers from Dallas on

Pickles & Icecream or Japanese Weekend has cute & trendy stuff, but I'm not sure of pricing. Target actually has asome cute stuff too that is Liz Lange's low end brand. Good Luck!



answers from Dallas on

I am 6 months pregnant with my first and was trying to find some cute things for cheaper. I went to this place at the Tollway and 635 (it is a bit far but well worth the drive). It is called Destination Maternity. My friend told me about it. It is Mimi, Motherhood, and pea in a pod all in one place! Now, when I went in there I went to the left first...big mistake...that is the expensive side. Stay to the right and the back.

I got some really cute things for spring/summer. There was a guy there (he was hispanic) that helped me. I took alot into the dressing room and he would check on me and bring me things. I wanted to find a cute jean skirt and was having trouble. He brought me one of every jean skirt in the store. I got one for $20 and it fits great!!

I was a Pickles and Ice Cream girl, but was spending so much...I only have 3 months until this baby comes and didn't want to spend another arm and leg for summer clothes (even though I know I will be wearing them well after he arrives).

ALSO, I am a member of the Junior League of Plano and April 20th is the first day of our Trinkets to Treasures which is a garage/rummage sale. There is a maternity section. I would recommend coming to that and see what you can get! That morning is the first morning it is open so you can have your pick of the pile!! It is at the Richardson Civic Center that is at Arapaho & the Tollway.

Good luck!!



answers from Dallas on


I sold some maternity clothes to a store called Kid 2 Kid. I buy my sons clothes there, and I saw that they have a great selection. They are in style and inexpensive.

Good Luck and Congrats.



answers from Dallas on

Go resale!! you're missing out if you don't. Kid to Kid in Plano and Allen. Cutie Patootie in Frisco. But the BEST is in Dallas at Clothes Circuit at Tollway & Northwest Hwy--it's worth the drive! congrats on the new baby!



answers from Dallas on

Also check Burlington Coat Factory.

I found a ton of shirts in there for spring for cheap.



answers from Dallas on

I used Old Navy, Target (their Liz Lange line is cute) and Kohl's. I also found some things at the Kid to Kid resale shop in Highland Village, and there are maternity clothes and lots of kid and baby things at the North Dallas Mothers of Twins Club consignment sale that is very soon. It's HUGE. Find out more at



answers from Dallas on

If you are working, I have three pairs of slacks. I also have two pairs of jeans and 2 every day wear pants. I also have several skirts and shirts I am willing to send you pictures of if you are interested in buying.

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