Mamas, (Nanas, Aunts Too) What Do You Want Your Year in 2009 to Look Like?

Updated on January 04, 2009
C.T. asks from Roseville, CA
3 answers

Hi Mama friends,
I have developed so many nice connections this year so I thought I would share what my husband and I did as 08 closed and 09 opened. We both put our concerns, desires, wishes, reflections, regrets and possibilities in a shared journal. For us, we pray and give all of this to God, but I know everyone has their own journey. It was expansive but I know there are other areas to look at and thought it would something to keep afloat throughout the year. Different than resolutions as we know that life according to our resolute plans often shift. I write this after three deaths, some triumph in my advocacy work, more writing, my husband's office budget slashed, him working from home but still employed, my mother's breast cancer vulnerability at a higher risk, my daughter growing into a vibrant child, my son one as pensive as I, financial instability and gratitude. For us, we want our year to be more buoyant, less sunken..possible, not defeated. Healthier, whole grains more than the alternative, consistent conscious aware parenting and a marriage centric life. Thats all:) And yes, I envision a life where I actually practice yoga instead of using those stretchy pants in the event my jeans are too tight..I am so interested to see where others are rules of what to reply other than continued kindness preserved through mamasource.

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answers from Fresno on

Hi C.!
Happy new year!
Well me personally, I'm thinking that no matter what happens this year, it will be better than last year. 2008 saw my company almost folding - my coworkers being laid off and me barely escaping that fate. We lost our house because my husband hasn't made any money in the past 2 years. So now we're in a crappy rental and I've switched careers to something I like a lot less than my last job, to avoid being laid off. My grandmother was in the hospital twice for major surgeries, and my mother landed in the hospital with a nervous breakdown on Thanksgiving... thankfully they're both on the mend now.

All that being said, I have to assume that life is looking up for us right now!! I hate to say "it can't get worse," because of course it could, but I really feel like things are going to get better.

This year, I'm getting more exercise! My new job allows me to leave work (usually) at 5pm so I will be able to focus more on my family when I'm not at work. My older daughter needs help on math, so I'm going to get her on track with that. My husband and I decided to try and live in the moment this year. We have a lot less now in terms of material things, and we are going to be okay with that, and enjoy our family and what we have right now. We are not going to be sad about what we've lost or wishing for what could be, we're just going to be present in the here and now.

So that's my vision for 2009. I hope you and everyone on Mamasource has a great year!

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi C.,

What a great question!

I just finished reading "The Last Lecture." In the Chapter Randy writes about his parents, he says that he won the "parent lottery." I want my kids to feel that way!

As far as the rest of 2009 - focus on our family mission: "To raise children who are healthy, happy, love learning and give back to the community. I teach these things by example."

Happy New Year!

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answers from Lubbock on

Hello C. and everyone!

This year is anticipated to be much better than the last by both my husband and myself, although I count myself lucky for every year that I am allowed to be here with my family. 2008 brought to us many highs and lows, and yet I can still look back fondly and remember that what doesn't break us makes us that much stronger.

We received our second child in 2008, a little boy this time, and then my husband was laid off right before Christmas. This initiated a new business that we have always talked about but never actually dove into. So far, so good (if you know anyone in the Fresno area that needs handyman work let me know :)). We look forward to great things with our children, our marriage, our business, and our life. I look forward to dropping 20 pounds so that I can feel less like a sloth! I feel that we are going to have to work extremely hard this year, but that it will pay off in the long run. Oh yes, and I get my degree in a couple of months also! It's going to be a great year, even though there are sure to be struggles. We are a family, and we are together, no matter what happens.

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