Before you invest, consider the resale factor as well. Some people are specific on what they prefer. Also, go tour some model homes that are being built and get a feel for what is being used mostly in your area.
My area is tile, real hardwoods and carpet only in bedrooms.
For me, most of my downstairs is travertine 18x18 tile and I love it. My kitchen is a more durable 16x16 tile that is easy to keep clean.
Our front formal area is nailed down hardwoods.... the real thing and I love it.
We revamped the condo where our daughter lives and she has all hardwoods except for the bedrooms and steps. Her hardwood is by Mannington and is a tongue and groove glued down. Very nice and easy to keep. I was opposed to a glue down at all because I personally wanted the nailed down hardwoods but it was not practical for her area. I am very pleased with the outcome of her wood floors.
Around here you see no vinyl of any type being used anywhere. Just be aware and do your research in your area.