One of the first things we did when we bought our house three years ago was to rip out the carpet and replace it with laminate. I was a student and a new mom. So I knew I wanted something maintenance free. In between I hosted my sister's Lab for a year and a half and boy was I glad that I had laminate and not hardwood! If you do choose laminate, here are my suggestions
1. We got two rooms (study with lots of angles and a closet and the family room) done professionally. I paid a lot more of course, but especially in the family room, they cut the brick and inserted the laminate so it gave a very clean look. I would not have thought of it myself and it looks great!
2. When installing yourself, buy quality laminate - not high end, just good quality - no Sams club please. We used laminate from Sams and Quickstep. We could clearly see the difference in quality.
3. Make sure you keep your tapping board flush while tapping. If your laminate chips while tapping, it means your board is not flush and is moving while tapping.
4. The only thing they say is that if you spill liquids mop it up immediately. Of course you would have to do that even if you had hardwood floors.
All the best with your project!