We have a MOMS Connection at our church in north Plano, Chase Oaks Church (www.chaseoaks.org)..... it's a great support group for moms of preschoolers/infants.
It meets twice a month on Wed or Thurs mornings, whatever day works best for you. 9:20 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Childcare is provided - once she feels her infant is old enough for that.
MOMS Connection has been a lifesaver for me -- I can vent, offer support, get advice, receive encouragement from other moms and mentor moms (older, wiser mentor moms sit at each table to give advice). Let me know if you'd like more information. Or she can just go to the website to register and visit us at our next meeting - March 26/27.
More about MOMS Connection: http://www.fbcnorth.org/Content/84.htm
There are many other MOPs-like (Mothers of Preschoolers) groups at different churches in the metroplex - there may be one closer to her. www.mops.org
These groups get the conversation going on many parenting and marriage issues.